Herbario Reinaldo Espinosa "LOJA" (UNL-LOJA-VASCULARES)

Director: Zhofre Aguirre, zhofre.aguirre@unl.edu.ec
Curador: Sebastián Pardo, sebastian.pardo@unl.edu.ec
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: 8424d212-ef0d-4951-8f68-22178f75dff9
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Gobierno de Ecuador - Herbario Reinaldo Espinosa (Universidad Nacional de Loja)
Access Rights: Sin fines de lucro
Collection Statistics
  • 44,132 specimen records
  • 44,070 (100%) georeferenced
  • 140 (0.32%) with images (144 total images)
  • 26,665 (60%) identified to species
  • 243 families
  • 1,744 genera
  • 5,832 species
  • 5,832 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Aciotis (10)
  • Adelobotrys (11)
  • Andesanthus (42)
  • Arthrostemma (8)
  • Axinaea (122)
  • Bellucia (17)
  • Blakea (118)
  • Brachyotum (271)
  • Bucquetia (4)
  • Centronia (42)
  • Chaetogastra (50)
  • Clidemia (5)
  • Conostegia (2)
  • Desmoscelis (2)
  • Graffenrieda (112)
  • Henriettea (9)
  • Huberia (10)
  • Meriania (170)
  • Miconia (1544)
  • Monochaetum (29)
  • Monolena (11)
  • Mouriri (10)
  • Ossaea (7)
  • Phainantha (17)
  • Pleroma (9)
  • Salpinga (15)
  • Tibouchina (35)
  • Triolena (9)
  • Wurdastom (1)