223910 Camilo Kajekai 852 2006-10-04
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Tiwintza, Región de la Cordillera del Cóndor.Cantón Tiwintza. Centro Shuar Kaputna, Asociación Mayaik. Cordillera Kampanaint, al sur del Río Santiago. Substrato de roca arenisca. Bosque primarío, con dosel hasta 20 m; raíces de los árboles formando "colchón" con hojarasca, humus y musgos abundantes., -3.0308 -77.92, 585m
193506 Hendrik Hessel Van der Werff 19406 2004-11-07
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, In the vicinity of the mining camp at the Río Tundaime. Along road to military base El Condor. Montane forest., -3.6339 -78.4256, 1500m
193485 Hendrik Hessel Van der Werff 19425 2004-11-09
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, In the vicinity of the mining camp at the Río Tundaime. Along trail to mining site above the camp. Montane forest on sandstone., -3.5789 -78.4031, 1100 - 1400m
193313 Hendrik Hessel Van der Werff 19533 2004-11-12
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, In the vicinity of the mining camp at the Río Tundaime. Montane forest behind the mining camp and in pastures with scattered trees., -3.5789 -78.4031, 1000 - 1200m
193576 Hendrik Hessel Van der Werff 19471 2004-11-10
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, In the vicinity of the mining camp at the Río Tundaime. Along trail to mine drilling sites, partly on sandstone. Montane forest., -3.5789 -78.4031, 1200 - 1400m
193602 Hendrik Hessel Van der Werff 19496 2004-11-11
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, In the vicinity of the mining camp at the Río Tundaime. Along trail above botanical garden. Montane forest, low on ridges., -3.6253 -78.4406, 1400 - 1500m
5366 Henk van der Werff 19406
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Tundayme, -3.6339 -78.4256
17348 Henk van der Werff 19436 2004-11-09
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Tundayme, -3.5789 -78.4031, 1100m
17358 Henk van der Werff 19425 2004-11-09
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Tundayme, -3.5789 -78.4031, 1100m
17361 Henk van der Werff 19533 2004-11-12
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Tundayme, -3.5789 -78.4031, 1000m
17443 Henk van der Werff 19471 2004-11-10
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Tundayme, -3.5789 -78.4031, 1200m
17445 Henk van der Werff 19496 2004-11-11
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Tundayme, -3.6253 -78.4406, 1400m