256517 M. Burghardt 9833 2018-12-05
Ecuador, Pichincha, Rumiñahui, Parrish Cotogchoa, Volcàn Pasochoa, way up to the summit from the Central Hidroelécectrica Pasochoa, Quebrada Suruhuaycu., -0.437786 -78.476269, 3523m
256723 M. Burghardt 10035 2018-12-11
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Parrish Alangasi, Volcán Ilalo, depression between Cerro Angamarca and Cerro Ilalo, ca. 500 m SSW of the summit of Cerro Ilalo., 3075m
256929 M. Burghardt 10354 2018-12-21
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, central part of the north-central ravine (Q2) on the W-side of the Park., 2921m
131910 M. G. Manuel 674 1970-12-27
México, Oaxaca, Sin Datos
185150 S. P. Churchill 22766 2003-09-19
Bolivia, La Paz, Sin Datos, 3700m
233329 R. Cabeza 120 2009-03-21
Ecuador, Carchi, Sin Datos, 3450m
185414 S. Churchill 22929 2004-05-13
Bolivia, Chuquisaca, Belisario Boeto, Ca. 24 Km Villa Serrano por Nuevo Mundo, 2450 - 2500m
233119 Carlos Cerón 33590 1997-01-19
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Bosque Protector Pasochoa. Caldera del volcán., 3600m
257342 M. Burghardt MB 10633 2018-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Metropolitan District of Quito, Quito, Parque Metropolitano Gangüiltagua, western part of the southernmost large ravine (Q4) on the W-side of the Park., 2904m
531884 W. R. Buck 39584 2001-05-28
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, 9 km SE of park entrance along Hwy 39, S of city of Loja, Sendero Autoguiado Bosque Nublado, from Cajanuma, -4.07 -79.15, 2800m
892244 W. C. Steere 26825 1983-10-27
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cordillera Oriental, Ibarra-Mariana Acosta road, E slope above Mariana Acosta, 0.37 -78, 3749m