Dataset: NYBG-Plantae
Search Criteria: Ecuador; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 49, records 4801-4900 of 12824

Herbario NYBG

2605132. André   3089
Ecuador, [No precise loc.]

679372F. Hekker   100981987-06-05
Ecuador, Napo, Cuyabeno. El Sendero de Danta, low hills W of Laguna Grande., 200m

298771J. L. Luteyn   153581998-11-17
Ecuador, Azuay, Gualaceo-Limón road, 24-25 km ESE of Gualaceo., -3.03 -78.67, 3350m

Lycopodium alopecuroides var. integerrima Spring
788826J. A. Steyermark   544881943-10-07
Ecuador, Santiago-Zamora, Páramos and sotobosque between Nudo de Sabanillas (which divides waters of Pacific from those of Atlantic) and Rancho Achupallas., 3500m

Attalea colenda Balslev & A.J. Hend.
02326811D. A. Neill   11377
Ecuador, Manabí, Pedernales, 31 km north of Pedernales along new coastal highway, about 2 km south of Río Mache, -0.22 -79.9, 60m

Attalea colenda Balslev & A.J. Hend.
02326814H. Balslev   620271986-04-04
Ecuador, Manabí, 20 km west of El Carmen along road to Chone, -0.28 -79.63, 300m

Conostegia superba D. Don ex Naudin
01126711M. A. Baker   65481986-02-22

1654046M. A. Baker   68970000-00-00
Ecuador, Napo, Reserva El Chuncho; 1 k al oeste del Rio Payamino; NW del Coca., -0.45 77.02, 280m

Miconia trinervia D. Don ex Loudon
1738651M. Aulestia   16991994-02-08
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Parque Nacional Yasuní. Carretera y oleoducto de Maxus en construcción Km. 32, al sur del río Tiputini., -0.62 -76.48, 250m

192084L. Anananch   1051985-08-22
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Los alrededores del Centro Tuutin Entsa; cerca Taisha.

385412R. C. Gill   48-91948-05-12
Ecuador, Bobonazo River, 580m

Stelis Panzer, 1806
02689546J. L. Jaramillo   135891991-07-21
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Florística-Ecológica "Río Guajalito", Km 59 de la carretra antigua Quito--Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, a 3.5 km al NE de la carretera, estribaciones occidentales dfel Volcán Pichincha, -0.2314 -78.8028, 2200m

807882A. Freire Fierro   13051989-03-12
Ecuador, Loja, Carretero Loja - Saraguro, en km 12 desvío a Fierro - Urco., -3.9 -79.25, 3500m

810412L. B. Holm-Nielsen   40041973-04-20
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Road Loja-Zamora, km 21., -3.98 -79.13, 2400m

1921245J. L. Luteyn   57591978-04-18
Ecuador, Cañar, El Triunfo-Cañar road, 33 km E of El Triunfo. Steep roadside with remnant forest vegetation. Alt. 615 m.

00200307M. A. Baker   56521985-02-27
Ecuador, Pastaza, Hacienda San Antonio del Barón von Humboldt. 2 km al NE de Mera., -1.45 -78.1, 1300m

02612692C. Ulloa Ulloa   19202011-05-19
Ecuador, Azuay, Jima-San Miguel de Cuyes, bosque andino y páramo de Moriré, 29 km., -3.27097 -78.91097, 3440m

1652963J. W. Grimes   25101984-06-21
Ecuador, Carchi, 49.8 km west of Tulcan on road to maldonado., 3800m

Miconia serrulata (DC.) Naudin
522241C. C. Berg   10371980-02-16
Ecuador, Napo, Rio Cuyabeno, -0.17 -75.92, 200m

452039L. B. Holm-Nielsen   51141973-05-05
Ecuador, Azuay, Km. 91 on Pan American Highway N of Loja., -3.42 -79.17, 2900m

Thelypteris oligocarpa (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Ching
816094A. D. A. Fay   43481994-07-07
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora Cantón. Within 3km of the town of Zamora., -4.05138889 -78.95138889, 1000m

813975A. D. A. Fay   33671991-07-10
Ecuador, Pichincha, Canton Quito. Rio Guajalito Reserve. 10 km W of Chiriboga, km 59 of old road Quito - Santo Domingo., -0.23 -78.8, 1900m

Blechnum divergens (Kunze) Mett.
01527375M. A. Baker   54051985-03-05
Ecuador, Pastaza, Hacienda San Antonio del Barón von Humboldt, 2 km al NE de Mera., -1.45 -78.1, 1100m

Enterosora trifurcata (L.) L.E. Bishop
195888M. A. Baker   66501986-02-25
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Oeste de la ciudad del Macas, -2.3 -78.12, 1160m

195890M. A. Baker   66521986-02-25
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Oeste de la ciudad del Macas, -2.3 -78.12, 1160m

Lellingeria myosuroides (Sw.) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran
806818B. Øllgaard   94261976-09-13
Ecuador, Azuay, Sevilla de Oro, approx. 10 km NNE of the village., -2.77 -78.62, 3350m

678624E. L. Little Jr.   5901975-09-30
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Orilla del Río Puerto Morona, en Río Morona., -2.87 -77.68, 300m

Melpomene flabelliformis (Poir.) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran
806848P. C. D. Cazalet   54181961-11-29
Ecuador, Imbabura, Lago San Marcos. Cayambe., 3414m

678731N. C. A. Pitman   13401996-06-17
Ecuador, Manabí, Pedernales. Bosque Protector Cerro Paja de Pájaro. About 10km E of Pedernales. Eastern slope of mountain, below south peak., 0.03 -79.95, 700m

Microgramma acatellela
02332722N. Trushell   12021985-04-04
Ecuador, Napo, Estación Experimental INIAP-Payamino, 250m

Microgramma acatellela
674368J. L. Clark   10481995-06-05
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Sacha Lodge, 3 km NW of the village Añangu, near the Napo river., -0.5 -76.43, 200m

Scorpidium scorpioides (Hedw.) Limpr.
01187377A. J. Shaw   108762000-12-03
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Cotopaxi National Park, around a small lake below Cotopaxi peak, 3800m

Scorpidium scorpioides (Hedw.) Limpr.
01187378A. J. Shaw   108772000-12-03
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Cotopaxi National Park, around a small lake below Cotopaxi peak, 3800m

Melpomene moniliformis A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran
01282133X. Cornejo   83072010-11-15
Ecuador, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Sector Cristal de Lelia, entrando por la finca del Sr. Marino, -0.42 -79, 1680m

Melpomene moniliformis A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran
806863A. B. Alvarez   25642000-01-06
Ecuador, Napo, Quijos, Sector de Papallacta. Sendero hacia las Lagunas de Cojunco y Verde., -0.3953 -78.1636, 3400m

Cryphaea patens Hornsch. ex Müll. Hal.
01187405A. J. Shaw   109292000-12-06
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Riobamba area, SE of Riobamba along road to Sangay National Park, 3500m

Melpomene pilosissima A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran
806885L. B. Holm-Nielsen   32511973-04-08
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Quevedo-Latacunga road, above Pilaló., -0.97 -78.97, 2850m

726749J. E. Ramos Pérez   58682003-07-11
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Sigchos, Campo Alegre, a ca. 20 Km al noreste de Sigchos., -0.58416667 -78.7933333, 2614m

814371J. L. Luteyn   86401982-07-09
Ecuador, Napo, Parq. Nac. Yasuni, Anango, -0.5 -76.42

1669720W. R. Buck   103561983-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, ca. 18 km NW of San Miguel de los Bancos, forest reserve of ENDESA, 0.08 -78.92, 800m

814450J. L. Clark   26591996-06-19
Ecuador, Manabí, Canton: Pedernales. Cerro Pata de Pájaro, 10 km east of Pedernales., 0.02 -79.97, 700m

Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske
01187381A. J. Shaw   108802000-12-03
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Cotopaxi National Park, around a small lake below Cotopaxi peak, 3800m

02490140M. R. Crosby   147591984-07-08
Ecuador, 2 km W of Tandape on Quito-Sto Domingo road., 1420m

02490141S. P. Churchill   137261985-07-23
Ecuador, Tungurahua, 1 km E of Río Negro. Along road side, site of recently downed tree., -1.4 -78.18, 1400m

1716993W. C. Steere   268361983-10-28
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cordillera Oriental, road up N slope of Volcán Cayambe to Laguna San Marcos., 0.12 -78, 3353m

00853422W. A. Palacios   136821995-02-24
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Esmeraldas Quinindé. Carretera vecinal Herrera-Los Monos. Cabecera del Río Aguacatal. Finca de Francisco Cantos., 0.325 -79.7683, 550m

732611A. S. Hitchcock   208241923-08-12
Ecuador, Provinces Imbabura and Pichincha. Otavalo to Malchinguí., 3000m

02151401T. B. Croat   984832007-09-13
Ecuador, Azuay, Along road between Gualaceo and Gualaguiza, 5.6 Km S of Plaza in Sigsig, 42.7 Km NW of Chigüinda., -3.0981 -78.8003, 1825m

02151402D. A. Neill   153702006-12-04
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Tapichalaca Reserve, south of Podocarpus National Park, in upper Río Chinchie watershed. East of the Yangana-Valladolid road, at the head of the mule trail to Quebrada Honda., -4.4844 -79.1331, 2570m

Panellus dumontii Singer
775571K. P. Dumont   Dumont - EC23381975-08-06
Ecuador, Pichincha, Ca. 36 Km from Quito, on Quito-Tandayapa Road, Prov. Pinchincha, 2438m

2495470J. L. Luteyn   146771992-10-06
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera-Río Anzu road, ca 5.4-10 km along road., -1.38 -78.12, 1450m

2495471T. B. Croat   734391992-04-03
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Between Shell and Mera, 5.3 km NW of center of Shell, along gravel road, 1.1 km N of highway; disturbed virgin forest at the end of a board-covered path, E end of the road., -1.45 -78.07, 1180m

2495472W. A. Palacios   001881985-03-18
Ecuador, Pastaza, 1 km al E de Topo por carretera entre Baños y Mera., -1.45 -78.17, 1300m

2495474M. A. Baker   57191985-03-16
Ecuador, Pastaza, 8 km al NE de Mera sobre la carretera al Rio Pastaza.

2495483G. W. Harling   196521982-01-17
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera., -1.460229 -78.110787, 1000m

2495484G. W. Harling   110421972-02-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, Río Pindo, riverbank., 1100m

2495697F. Werner   11652004-02-10
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Area of Estación Científica San Francisco, road Loja-Zamora, ca 35 km from Loja., -3.97 -79.07, 2050m

2495698F. Werner   11652004-02-10
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Area of Estación Científica San Francisco, road Loja-Zamora, ca 35 km from Loja., -3.97 -79.07, 2050m

2495853J. L. Clark   70292002-12-16
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limon Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail from camp #2 towards crest of the Cordillera del Condor (ca 15-20 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.25 -78.32, 2700m

2495856J. E. Madsen   758241988-12-02
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Road Yangana-Valladolid, km 21., -4.47 -79.15, 2750m

2495859P. M. Jørgensen   613531986-07-31
Ecuador, Loja, Km 11-14 Yanagana-Valadollid road., -4.37 -79.17, 2500m

2495860W. H. Camp   E-1021944-07-02
Ecuador, Loja, Oriente Border: Crest of the Cordillera de Zamora, E of Loja., 3048m

2495865W. H. Camp   E-15571944-12-15
Ecuador, Santiago-Zamora, ("Oriente"): Eastern slope of the cordillera, valley of the ríos Negro and Chupianza (on the trail from Sevilla de Oro to Mendez)., 1737m

2495866W. H. Camp   E-291944-06-28
Ecuador, Santiago-Zamora, Ridge across the river from the village of Zamora. ("Oriente"): Valley of the río Zamora, E of Loja., 1981m

2495867D. A. Neill   160382007-09-25
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Palanda, Tapichalaca Reserve, S of Podocarpus National Park, along road between Yangana and Valladolid, upper Río Chinchipe watershed., -4.4811 -79.1492, 2650m

2495875T. Katan   4272005-07-22
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, San Juan Bosco, Cima de la Cordillera del Cóndor. Centro Shuar Numpatkaim., -3.2689 -78.3183, 2820m

2495879L. B. Holm-Nielsen   41411973-04-21
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Road Loja-Zamora, km 33., -3.98 -79.07, 1850m

201474H. T. Beck   30031995-01-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, Cantón Quito, Along old road Quito-Santo Domingo, 2km across bridge from Hwy 30, -0.32 -78.92, 1250m

2528751H. H. van der Werff   92891987-05-04
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, Cerro Toledo, E of Yangana., 2700m

00735706V. Zak   36981988-05-23
Ecuador, Pichincha, Mejía, Parroquia El Chaupi. Faldas del Volcán El Corazón., -0.5 -78.42, 3300m

01187403A. J. Shaw   109252000-12-05
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Ambato area, Hwy 50 between Baños and Puyo, 2000m

Neomortonia nummularia (Hanst.) Wiehler
2609386J. L. Clark   123602011-05-30
Ecuador, Loja, Sozoranga, Parroquia: Utuana. Reserva Biologica Utuana (Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco), Bosque de Hahne Block, 300 m east from the Pueblo Utuana (via Tacamoros), -4.3664 -79.7244, 2490m

Plagiochila disticha Lehm. & Lindenb.
1668577W. R. Buck   104661983-12-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, ca. 18 km NW of San Miguel de los Bancos, forest reserve of ENDESA, 0.08 -78.92, 800m

Plagiochila longispina Lindenb. & Gottsche
01149661A. Schäfer-Verwimp   244002004-08-19
Ecuador, Carchi, Strasse von El Angel über La Libertad nach El Moran, oberhalb El Moran, 3280m

Solanum nudum Kunth ex Dunal
00731536L. B. Holm-Nielsen   257731980-09-03
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Onzolé, upstream from San Francisco de Onzolé, 0.87 -79.05, 150m

Bejaria resinosa Mutis ex L. f.
2492361L. Ellemann   665711988-10-07
Ecuador, Loja, 5 km S of Saraguro, on the Loja-Cuenca road., -3.65 -79.25, 2700m

Bejaria resinosa Mutis ex L. f.
2492362M. T. Madison   74871980-12-31
Ecuador, Loja, Cordillera de Sabanilla, ca 15 km S of Yanagana, wet montane forest., 2480m

Bejaria resinosa Mutis ex L. f.
2492364B. Øllgaard   579601985-02-22
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, S of Loja. Mountain crest with low scrub, above ''Centro de Informacion, E of Nudo de Cajanuma., -4.08 -79.17, 3200m

Bejaria resinosa Mutis ex L. f.
2492367C. E. Cerón Martínez   195291992-07-19
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Riobamba, Mercado San Alfonso (feria de sábados). Estepa espinosa Montano Bajo., -1.67 -78.65, 2900m

1244128W. Jameson   112b
Ecuador, Quito

726026G. L. Sobel   24751980-07-09
Ecuador, Pastaza, New Puyo - Macas Road. Following the valley of the Río Pastaza. Approximately 50 km. from Puyo., 950m

Andreaea acutifolia Hook. f. & Wilson
01187370A. J. Shaw   108672000-12-03
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Cotopaxi National Park, end of road below the volcanic peak, 4800m

726605G. Firmin   531927-05-02
Ecuador, Pichincha, La Magdalena., 2800m

247366A. S. Hitchcock   215861923-09-09
Ecuador, Azuay, Between Oña and Cuenca., 3300m

41516M. Rios   3281990-12-27
Ecuador, Napo, District Companacocha; Sectors of Acapara and Cutu urco, -1.05 -77.48, 350m

1551405H. Balslev   44161983-09-28
Ecuador, Pastaza, Road to Puyo, towards Arajuno (unfinished) about 10 km east of 10 de Agosto., -1.42 -77.83, 1200m

Rigodium toxarion var. toxarion (Schwägr.) A.Jaeger
892244W. C. Steere   268251983-10-27
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cordillera Oriental, Ibarra-Mariana Acosta road, E slope above Mariana Acosta, 0.37 -78, 3749m

02637495W. C. Steere   255111982-09-15
Ecuador, Pichincha, Old road from Quito to Santo Domingo de los Colorados, between Chillogallo and Chiriboga; 11 km W of Chillogallo, 3250m

02637496W. C. Steere   260431983-09-30
Ecuador, Pichincha, NW corner of Volcán de Pichincha, along an open aquaduct carrying water for Quito, 3500m

02637550W. C. Steere   94351944-08-17
Ecuador, Carchi, above Tufiño. SE slope of Volcán de Chiles, Cordillera Occidental., 3658m

02637557L. Brako   4662A1982-06-17
Ecuador, Pichincha, 3800m

2047448G. W. Harling   23061947-06-27
Ecuador, Azuay, El Pan, 2800m

Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
02163942M. A. Lewis   78-24171978-11-09
Ecuador, Azuay, Area Nacional de Recreación "Cajas", in the small lakes N. and W. of the head of Río Maladero, 0-3 mi. from the ranger station, WNW of Sayausí., -2.8 -79.23, 3950m

Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
02163944B. Løjtnant   153611979-06-30
Ecuador, Napo, SW slopes of Volcán Antisana, 2-3 km N of Hacienda El Hato and 5-6 km NNE of Laguna Micacocha, -0.5 -78.2, 4300m

Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
02163961H. Balslev   9951980-11-27
Ecuador, Tungurahua, /Chimborazo, northern slope of Volcán Chimborazo at Ambato-Guaranda road, -1.45 -78.83, 3900m

Cratoneuron filicinum (Hedw.) Spruce
02163978M. P. Kuc   15.D/E/Mk1988-11-25
Ecuador, Azuay, Cajas area, borders of Laguna Toreadora - SW, -2.78 -79.23, 4000m

2491834J. L. Luteyn   LUTEYN 141751990-11-16
Ecuador, Loja, Loma de Oro area, ca 12 km N of San Lucas., -3.67 -79.25, 3140m

2491838S. E. Clemants   23451982-08-17
Ecuador, Loja, 6.6. km E of Loja control. On road to Zamora. Shrub land., 2225m

2491839S. E. Clemants   22951982-08-03
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along "Inca" trail from pass between Loja and Zamora toward Zamora., 2800m

Senna ruiziana H.S. Irwin & Barneby
01838904D. A. Neill   77171987-06-28
Ecuador, Napo, Rio Napo, at mouth of Rio Huambuno, 3 km downstream from Campana Cocha. Tropical Wet Forest. Secondary forest and cultivated plants. Medical Ethnobotany of lowland Quichua. Informant: Leonardo Grefa. School for Field Studies course, -0.92 -77.42, 350m

Page 49, records 4801-4900 of 12824

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