125473 David A. Neill 11222 1998-06-25
Ecuador, Napo, Aguarico, Yasuní National Park. Tiputini Biodiversity Station. South side of Río Tiputini. Tropical Moist Forest., -0.63333 -76.16666, 215m
17915 David A. Neill 8819 1989-01-26
Ecuador, Pastaza, Via Auca, 115 km S of Coca, 10 km S of Napo-Pastaza border; near Río Tiguino. Tropical Moist Forest on low hills. Primary forest; trees felled for road construction. Entrance road to PETROCANADA oil well site., -1.25 -76.9167, 320m
1554 Jens Elgaard Madsen 50052 1984-01-17
Ecuador, Azuay, San Joaquín. Hedgeplants at roadside., -2.8949 -79.0504, 2600m
141036 Anders Sánchez Barfod 48163 1983-10-11
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed black and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Second growth vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m
1555 David A. Neill 7136 1986-02-16
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Estación Experimental INIAP-Payamino, 5 km al norte de Coca. Bosque muy húmedo tropical., -0.4333 -77, 250m
79899 David A. Neill 6809 1985-09-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Río Curaray, costadoo sur, frente a las lagunas Patoamo. Bosque Húmedo Tropical. Bosque de suce- sión primaria, en vuelta del río. Suelo aluvial de mal drenaje., -1.5 -76.5, 230m
21025 David A. Neill 8993 1989-05-04
Ecuador, Pastaza, Vía Auca, 115 km S of Coca, near Río Tigüino. Entrance road to PETRO-CANADA oil well site; km 4-5 of new road. Tropical Moist Forest. Primary forest; trees felled for road., -1.25 -76.9167, 320m
1558 David A. Neill 6508 1985-05-25
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m
10063 David A. Neill 7209 1986-08-08
Ecuador, Napo, Via de los Zorros, 15 km al SW de Coca, al sur del Río Napo. Bosque Húmedo Tropical. Colinas pendientes; suelo oxisol rojo. Inventarío Forestal JICA-DINAF., -0.66666 -77.11666, 300m
19442 David A. Neill 8774 1989-01-26
Ecuador, Pastaza, Via Auca, 115 km S of Coca, 10 km S of Napo-Pastaza border; near Río Tiguino. Tropical Moist Forest on low hills. Primary forest; trees felled for road construction. Entrance road to PETROCANADA oil well site., -1.25 -76.9167, 320m
224072 David A. Neill 16424 2008-07-27
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Taisha, Shuar village of Chiwias, about 2 km west of the Río Cangaime. Tall moist forest on nearly level plain. One-hectare forest inventory plot established by Chiwias high school students in program supported by National Geographic Society "Genographic Legacy Fund". This site, with presence of Theobroma cacao in forest and potsherds in soil, probable indicators of cultivation in past centuries., -2.6672 -77.4978, 230m
121560 David A. Neill 10957 1997-09-07
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Edge of plateau on south side of Río Arajuno, above river canyon. Proposed ARCO oil pipeline route, Km 16. Premontane Wet Forest., 1000m
128968 David A. Neill 11807 1999-01-07
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Territorío Indígena Awá. Mataje village. Forest management area. Tropical wet forest., 1.2 -78.5667, 200m
167019 David A. Neill 13644 2002-01-29
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Sumaco Biosphere Reserve, outside boundaries of national park. Challua Yacu community, near Hollín-Loreto road, south slopes of Volcán Sumaco. Premontane Wet Forest. Permanent one-hectare forest inventory plot, estabished in 1989. Trees over 10 cm DBH numbered and tagged., -0.7167 -77.65, 1200m
41911 Fernando Hurtado 1788 1989-03-20
Ecuador, Napo, Canton Archidona. Carretera Hollín-Loreto, Km 25. Comunidad indígena Challuayacu. Bosque pluvial Premontano. Bosque primarío., -0.7167 -77.6, 1200m
124323 Anders Sánchez Barfod 48566 1983-11-16
Ecuador, Carchi, Chical, farmland and disturbed rain forest south of the village., 1.0833 -78.2833, 1200m
211475 David A. Neill 15264 2006-11-10
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera del Cóndor region, upper Río Nangaritza. Las Orquídeas reserve, on west side of river. Sloping sandstone plateau, with very wet premontane forest. Discontinuous canopy with some trees up to 25 m tall; Humiria balsamifera dominant. One-hectare forest inventory plot, with all trees > 10 cm DBH sampled, during 3rd NSF-supported dendrology course., -4.2522 -78.6647, 1120m
140476 David A. Neill 12725 2000-05-18
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Muisne, Hills 2 km inland from the sea, east of Quingüe, ca. 14 km northwest of Muisne along path to microwave tower. Tropical wet forest, disturbed, dominated by Virola dixonii., 0.7167 -80.0667, 250m
203635 David A. Neill 14816 2005-09-14
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera del Cóndor. Centro Shuar Yunkumas. Cerro Chunak Naint ("Vulture Mountain" in Shuar). Sandstone plateau, 1000-1270 m elevation, with dense forest. Soil with thick root mat and humus atop infertile sand. Tropical premontane wet forest; the trees mostly of short stature (canopy about 10 m; taller along streams) and with narrow trunks. Permanent one-hectare forest inventory plot: "Parcela Yunkumas". Trees > 10 cm DBH tagged and measured., -3.0594 -78.2458, 1150m
89974 David A. Neill 10401 1994-07-31
Ecuador, Napo, Aguarico, Waorani Ethnic Reserve. Maxus petroleum pipeline road, under construction. Kilometer 66, south of Tivacuno River. Tropical Moist Forest on hills., -0.8 -76.3833, 260m
79773 David A. Neill 10114 1992-08-26
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Yasuní National Park. Río Indillama, a small southern tributary of the Río Napo, at Comuna Pompeya. The Río Indillama forms the Park boundary. Tropical moist forest. Vegetation along river bank., -0.5 -76.6667, 220m
503 Thomas Bernard Croat 87640 2003-04-16
Ecuador, Napo, Quito-Baeza, between Papallacta and La Carcel, 11 Km E of Guancho, 9 Km E of Río Victoria, 1 Km W of Oleoducto Estación Baeza., -0.416667 -77.95, 2200m
5309 David A. Neill 6954 1985-10-23
Ecuador, Napo, Río Arajuno, Sola Cocha. Bosque Muy Húmedo Tropical. Suelo rojo arcilloso (ultisol); colinas pendientes., -1.1167 -77.6
20688 David A. Neill 9174 1989-12-14
Ecuador, Napo, Cantón Archidona. South slopes of Volcán Sumaco. Hollín- Loreto road, km 45. Ridge above west bank of Río Pucuno; new road to Galeras under construccion. Premontane Wet Forest; primary forest., -0.7333 -77.5833, 1100m
157858 David A. Neill 12983 2000-12-10
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Gualaquiza, Cordillera del Cóndor. Valley of Río Quimi. Steep forested slopes on east side of valley. Cloud forest with abundant epiphytes., -3.5072 -78.4208, 1300m
213474 David A. Neill 15773 2007-09-16
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera del Cóndor, "Area de Conservación Los Tepuyes". Slope above the west bank of the upper Río Nangaritza near the Cabañas Yankuam lodge. Below the sandstone plateau, but with rather sandy soil mostly eroded from the plateau above, in and near the one hectare "Nangaritza River Slope" one-hectare forest inventory plot., -4.2503 -78.66, 920m
52422 Anders Sánchez Barfod 41343 1982-12-16
Ecuador, Carchi, 564m
193750 David A. Neill 15016 2005-12-07
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui, Cordillera del Cóndor. Summit of the Contrafuerte de Wawaime, a sandstone butte isolated by about 2 km from the main sandstone plateau of the Cordillera del Cóndor. Above proposed EcuaCorriente copper mine site. Low, dense forest with many sandstone-restricted taxa., -3.5867 -78.4392, 1660m
166880 David A. Neill 13924 2002-04-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Awá Indigenous Territory. Río Bogotá community, 2 km south of Lita-San Lorenzo road. Very wet forest with abundant epiphytes, in steep-sided valley., 0.9864 -78.5972, 350m
193432 David A. Neill 14428 2003-09-06
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui, Cordillera del Cóndor. Ridge crest, on sandstone substrate, 2 km north of Cóndor Mirador military post. Low forest or dense shrubby vegetation., -3.6281 -78.395, 1975m
213023 David A. Neill 16032 2007-09-26
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Palanda, Podocarpus National Park. Nudo de Sabanilla ridge, on the continental divide, upper Río Chinchipe watershed, near road pass between Yangana and Valladolid. Dense, wet montane scrub vegetation., -4.4486 -79.1406, 2760m
244894 David A. Neill 14922 2005-11-22
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Estación Científica San Francisco; 30 km east of Loja, on road to Zamora, on eastern Andean slopes. Montane wet forest on steep slopes, with metamorphic rock substrate. Disturbed forest., -3.9667 -79.0667, 1900m
43985 David A. Neill 9683 1990-12-11
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Río Nangaritza, upper valley. 3 km east of Miazi, near disputed Peru-Ecuador border. Primary forest. Premontane Wet Forest., -4.3 -78.6667, 1000m
19251 David A. Neill 8957 1989-05-03
Ecuador, Napo, Cantón Archidona Southern slopes of Volcán Sumaco; Hollín-Loreto road, km 40, near Huamaní community. Premontane Wet Forest. Trees left as forest remnants in pastures or roadsides., -0.7 -77.6167, 1150m
222709 David A. Neill 16267 2008-03-20
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Yantzaza, Cordillera del Cóndor region. One km north of Río Machinaza at Las Peñas. Ridgetop with Hollín sandstone substrate. Dense wet cloud forest on thin layer of sandy soil atop sandstone, with thick mat of humus and tree roots. "Fruto del Norte" site of Aurelian gold mine company., -3.7758 -78.4961, 1640m
121437 David A. Neill 10984 1997-10-02
Ecuador, Napo, Quijos, Reserva Ecológica Antisana. Cordillera de Guacamayos. Along Archidona-Baeza road, 5 km south of pass at La Virgen. Lower Montane Wet Forest., -0.8 -77.8, 2000m
33423 David A. Neill 6084 1985-03-12
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, Two km northeast of Mera. Premontane Rain Forest., -1.45 -78.1, 1100m
143010 Anders Sánchez Barfod 48113 1983-10-11
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed black and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Second growth vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m
157830 David A. Neill 13192 2001-03-24
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera de Huaracayo, east of Cordillera del Cóndor and Río Coangos. Forest on sandstone ridge, east of Shuar village of Tinkimints., -3.2642 -78.1917, 1600m
150454 David A. Neill 12174 1999-11-14
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Base of Cerro Hermoso on western side, near lake. Metamorphic rock -- micaceous schist. Páramo., 3850m
179349 David A. Neill 14256 2003-03-11
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo-Galeras. Summit area of Cordillera de Galeras. Lower montane wet forest on sandstone substrate., -0.83194 -77.53277, 1690m
125351 David A. Neill 11049 1998-01-18
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Site of ARCO Central Processing facility, 33 km east of Puyo. Colonia Bolívar. Premontane wet forest. Primary forest remnants., -1.3833 -77.75, 1000m
29456 David A. Neill 5935 1985-03-03
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, 2 km northeast of Mera. Premontane Rain Forest., -1.45 -78.1, 1100m
10027 David A. Neill 5787 1985-02-27
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, 2 km northeast of Mera. Premontane Rain Forest., -1.45 -78.1, 1100m
149382 David A. Neill 11945 1999-11-12
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Slopes of metamorphic rock, west of Cerro Hermoso, near saddle between headwaters of Río Verde and Río Topo., 3950m
222836 David A. Neill 16140 2008-03-15
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Centinela del Cóndor, Cordillera del Cóndor. Machinaza plateau summit area. Adjacent to obelisk-shaped border marker, at end of trail from upper Paquisha military post, precisely at Ecuador-Peru border. Nearly level sandstone plateau with low scrub vegetation; charred stems and regrowth indicate that area was burned about 15 years previously., 2420m
162902 David A. Neill 13450 2001-11-28
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Cordillera Sacha Llanganates. Flat ridge above Río Zuñac with very dense forest. Canopy 8-10 m tall, very wet, dense load of epiphytic mosses. Granite substrate., -1.3642 -78.1333, 2550m
158427 David A. Neill 13148 2001-03-23
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera de Huaracayo, east of Cordillera del Cóndor and Río Coangos. Sandstone ridge, east of Shuar village of Tinkimints. Cloud forest on ridge crest., -3.255 -78.1861, 1750m
141032 Anders Sánchez Barfod 48157 1983-10-11
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed black and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Second growth vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m
149290 David A. Neill 12024 1999-11-13
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Base of Cerro Hermoso on western side, near lake. Metamorphic rock substrate. Páramo and shrubby thickets., 3850m
149288 David A. Neill 12083 1999-11-14
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Southwest ridge of Cerro Hermoso. Outcrop of metamorphic rock. Plants growing on bare rock or with little soil. Páramo., 4050m
163074 David A. Neill 13729 2002-02-17
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera de Nanguipa. Cerro Colorado. About 8 km by air SSE of Nambija, 20 km ESE of Zamora. Highest summit on ridge. Quartz rock substrate. Dwarf, dense scrub forest 3-5 m tall., -4.1247 -78.7736, 2740m
149397 David A. Neill 11977 1999-11-12
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. West of Cerro Hermoso, near saddle between headwaters of Río Verde and Río Topo. Slopes on metamorphic rock with bunchgrass and dwarf bamboo (Neurolepis aristata)., 3950m
157737 David A. Neill 13091 2001-03-20
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera de Huaracayo, east of Cordillera del Cóndor and Río Coangos. Cerro Ijiach Naint, flat-topped sandstone mountain, east of Shuar village of Tinkimints. Ridge below west side of summit. Dense shrubby vegetation., 1950m
157380 David A. Neill 13068 2001-03-19
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera de Huaracayo, east of Cordillera del Cóndor and Río Coangos. Ridge east of Shuar village of Tinkimints. Dwarf montane forest on ridge line, canopy 8 m tall, on sandstone substrate., -3.2608 -78.1925, 1760m
157799 David A. Neill 13070 2001-03-10
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera de Huaracayo, east of Cordillera del Cóndor and Río Coangos. Cerro Ijiach Naint, flat-topped sandstone mountain, east of Shuar village of Tinkimints. Ridge below west side of summit. Dense shrubby vegetation., -3.2636 -78.1744, 1950m
157752 David A. Neill 13107 2001-03-21
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera de Huaracayo, east of Cordillera del Cóndor and Río Coangos. Cerro Ijiach Naint, flat-topped sandstone mountain, east of Shuar village of Tinkimints. Low, dense montane forest and shrubby vegetation on summit., -3.2636 -78.1703, 2000m
214228 David A. Neill 15351 2006-12-03
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Palanda, Podocarpus National Park. Crest of the Nudo de Sabanilla, at the continental divide, east of the road pass between Yangana and Valladolid, above the microwave antenna. Low, dense montane forest, dense shrubby scrub, and páramo with Sphagnum bogs., -4.4361 -79.1425, 2870m
163090 David A. Neill 13814 2002-02-20
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Cordillera de Nanguipa. Along road south from Nambija to Cerro Colorado. About 6 km south of Nambija; 20 km southeast of Zamora. Cloud forest on slopes., -4.0975 -78.7953, 1930m
52407 Anders Sánchez Barfod 41369 1983-01-12
Ecuador, Carchi, Chical. Clearing near the house of Messias Guanga, c. 1 hours walk SE of Chical. Ethnobot. inform.: Messias Guanga. [coordinates changed from 1.5N, 78.15W to 1.02N, 78.14W], 1200m
179345 David A. Neill 14252 2003-03-11
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo-Galeras. Summit area of Cordillera de Galeras. Lower montane wet forest on sandstone substrate., -0.8319445 -77.5327778, 1690m
162857 David A. Neill 13538 2001-12-01
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Cordillera Sacha Llanganates. Ridge above headwaters of Río Zuñac. Very wet cloud forest. Granite substrate., -1.3689 -78.1525, 1880m
138526 Fernando Nicolalde-Morejón 402 1999-12-12
Ecuador, Manabí, Manta, San Lorenzo de Manta. Bosque seco tropical con influencia de garua. Colecciones realizadas al margen de la carretera Manta-San Lorenzo., -1.05 -80.8833, 18m
196256 Fernando Nicolalde-Morejón 1208 2002-03-23
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Morona, Cordillera de Cutucú. Centro Shuar Angel Roubi. Bosque primarío en la cumbre de la Cordillera de Cutucú, -2.3653 -78.0078, 2200m
177785 Fernando Nicolalde-Morejón 1081 2002-02-02
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Morona, Cordillera de Cutucú. Centro Shuar Angel Roubi. Bosque muy húmedo en la cumbre de la Cordillera de Cutucú., 2000m
179004 Fernando Nicolalde-Morejón 1031 2002-01-18
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Morona, Cordillera de Cutucú. Centro Shuar Uusuants. Zona del TransKutuku. Bosque muy húmedo en terreno accidentado, pendientes fuertes., -2.5333 -77.9, 1000m
195975 Fernando Nicolalde-Morejón 1344 2002-03-26
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Morona, Cordillera de Cutucu. Centro Shuar Angel Roubi. Pie de la Cordillera. Bosque húmedo., -2.3614 -78.04, 1100m
132757 Fernando Nicolalde-Morejón 321 1999-10-19
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Reserva Orquideológica El Pahuma. Carretera Calacalí-Los Bancos, km 22. Bosque muy húmedo montano bajo., 0.0283 -78.6305, 1960m
98597 Tamara Núñez 203 0000-00-00
Ecuador, Guayas, Guayaquil, Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco. Carretera Guayaquil - Salinas, Km 15. Bosque seco Tropical. Bosque secundarío. Suelos derivados de roca caliza., -2.1667 -80.1333, 200 - 300m
98580 Tamara Núñez 145 0000-00-00
Ecuador, Guayas, Isidro Ayora, Reserva Ecológica Manglares Churute. Carretera Guayaquil - Pto. Inca. Sector norte del Cerro Masvale. Monte espinoso Tropical. Bosque secundarío en recuperación., 200 - 300m
143012 Anders Sánchez Barfod 48116 1983-10-11
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Zapallo Grande, a mixed black and Cayapa Amerindian community along Río Cayapa. Second growth vegetation and disturbed rain forests close to village., 0.8 -78.9, 200m
105973 Tamara Núñez 373 1995-11-11
Ecuador, Manabí, Montecristi, Cerro Montecristi. Carretera Manta - Jipijapa, entrada por Montecristi o El Chorrillo. Bosque seco Pre-Montano. Bosque secundarío., -1.0333 -80.6833, 300 - 600m
148157 Tamara Núñez 518 1997-06-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Montañas de Mache Chindúl, 35 km al este de Quinindé. Estáción Biológica Bilsa. Sendero Cueva-Río Cube. Bosque húmedo Premontano. Bosque primarío., 0.35 -79.73333, 500 - 600m
164992 Roelof Arend Albert Oldeman 3429 1976-03-30
Ecuador, Pichincha, 3400m
142602 Benjamin Øllgaard 57065 1985-01-14
Ecuador, Napo, Añangu, NW corner of the Parque Nacional Yasuní. Along SEF line in terra firme forest, near Tiputini trail. Undisturbed rain forest., -0.53333 -76.36666, 300m
47859 Benjamin Øllgaard 98536 1990-12-27
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Road Gualaceo-Limón, km 33.3, E of the pass. Road banks in cloud forest., -3.0333 -78.6333, 3010m
101720 Benjamin Øllgaard 58011 1985-02-23
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus, S of Loja. Wet montane forest at the Centro de Información, E of Nudo de Cajanuma., -4.0833 -79.1667, 2800 - 2950m
172066 Benjamin Øllgaard 74083 1988-05-13
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Above Nudo de Cajanuma., -4.0833 -79.1667, 2800 - 3000m
47107 Benjamin Øllgaard 74621 1988-06-02
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Around entrance to the park on road Yangana - Cerro Toledo., -4.3833 -79.1333, 2600 - 2800m
172046 Benjamin Øllgaard 74130 1988-05-13
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Above Nudo de Cajanuma., -4.0833 -79.1667, 2800 - 3000m
180717 Benjamin Øllgaard 57535 1985-02-07
Ecuador, Carchi, Perhumid forest on wet plateau above San Marcos de los Coaiqueres, on trail towards Gualpí Bajo., 1.1 -78.2833, 1000m
104285 Anders Sánchez Barfod 49008 1983-12-10
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Bãnos-puyo road 6 km. south of Bãnos. Trail leading disturbed wet montane forest., -1.3667 -78.4167, 2500m
59213 Benjamin Øllgaard 99161 1991-09-28
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Road Lita-San Lorenzo (under construction), km 34.4. Disturbed montane forest along river., 0.8667 -78.5167, 650m
120931 Benjamin Øllgaard 74357 1988-05-22
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Around pass on road Loja-Zamora., 2750 - 2950m
140126 Benjamin Øllgaard 74169 1988-05-14
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Above Nudo de Cajanuma. Mirador, above 'Centro de Informacion'., -4.0833 -79.1667, 3000 - 3050m
47882 Benjamin Øllgaard 98586 1990-12-27
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Road Gualaceo-Limón, km 31.6, E of the pass. Meadow and disturbed scrub., -3.0167 -78.6167, 3150m
105156 Benjamin Øllgaard 58578 1985-03-04
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Northern road Sigsig - Gualaquiza, E of the pass. Very wet vegetation on rocky roadsides., -3.1667 -78.7333, 3150m
46691 Benjamin Øllgaard 90325 1989-02-01
Ecuador, Loja, 2850 - 3100m
101768 Benjamin Øllgaard 58152 1985-02-26
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Cerro Toledo E of Yangana. Wet paramo around radio station., 3400 - 3450m
101757 Benjamin Øllgaard 58171 1985-02-26
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Cerro Toledo E of Yangana. Wet paramo around radio station., 3400 - 3450m
47080 Hendrik Hessel Van der Werff 12381 1991-07-16
Ecuador, Los Ríos, Centinela ridge, ca. 20 km E of Patricia Pilar. Cultivated land with scattered thickets., -0.61666 -78.3, 600m
236972 Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca 16838 2009-07-14
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Cantón Quinindé. Cristobal Colón finca del Sr.
91338 Anders Sánchez Barfod 41020 1982-10-23
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Zapallo Grande (tributary of Río Cayapa). Trail 200 m from, and opposite to, the evangelic mission station. Lightly disturbed rain forest on terra firme. Ethnobot. inform.: Marclovio Añapa and Vicente Tapuyo., 0.8 -79.8667, 200m
236999 Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca 16390 2008-10-20
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Cristobal Colón. Junto a Parcelas Permanentes de Projecto ECOMADERA, 0.45 -79.15, 700m
237421 Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca 16683 2009-05-13
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulcán, Cantón Tulcán. Nueva carretera El Carmen-Gualchán. Sitio de placa al General., 0.9094 -78.2056, 1630m
236962 Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca 16759 2009-05-27
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Cantón Espejo. Vía neuva El Carmen-Chical., 0.8313889 -78.2252778, 2250m
236963 Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca 16760 2009-05-27
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Cantón Espejo. Vía neuva El Carmen-Chical., 0.8313889 -78.2252778, 2250m
68413 Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca 10514 1992-11-30
Ecuador, Napo, LORETO: Río Huataraco, hacia Ishpano. Bosque muy húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío remanente., -0.73333 -77.38333, 700m
67409 Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca 10123 1992-05-07
Ecuador, Pastaza, PUYO: Pambayucua. Río Lliquino. Bosque primarío., -1.4833 -77.3667, 420m
17703 Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca 4376 1989-08-20
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Río Lita, margen izquierda. Sector El Cristal. Bosque muy húmedo Premontano. Bosque primarío., 0.81666 -78.43333, 1450m