37567 Brian Morley Boom 7879 1987-12-22
Ecuador, Pastaza, 31 km N of Puyo on road to Tena, side road E to Cajabamba., -1.25 -77.8333, 1000m
37559 Brian Morley Boom 7842 1982-05-05
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San José, km 321 along railroad from Ibarra to San Lorenzo, 350m
37579 Brian Morley Boom 7845 1982-05-16
Ecuador, Carchi, 18 km W of Julio Andrade on road to El Carmelo., 0.6667 -77.6667, 3200m
3756 Henrik Balslev 2498 1987-12-24
Ecuador, Pastaza, -1.25 -77.833333, 1000m
3757 Henrik Balslev 2490 1982-05-16
Ecuador, Carchi, 3100 - 3200m
48881 Henrik Balslev 2500 1982-05-17
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, 0.65 -77.5, 3000m
48889 Henrik Balslev 2484 1982-05-16
Ecuador, Carchi, Prov. Carachi: 7-10 km west of Julio Andrade on road to El Carmel, Secondary montain forest., 0.6667 -77.6667, 3100 - 3200m
219295 Carlos Aedo 13032 2006-07-18
Ecuador, Azuay, de Jima a San Miguel, Páramo de Matanga, bosque nublado y turbera, -3.2283 -78.9539, 3340m
15173 Henrik Balslev 4381 1983-08-07
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, 2-4km SE of San Lorenzo; along railroad track., 1.25 -78.8333, 10m
3759 Henrik Balslev 2482 1988-01-02
Ecuador, Pastaza, Road N from Mera known as the "via Anzu." remnants of premontane humid forest, 1100m
3758 Henrik Balslev 2483 1987-12-24
Ecuador, Pastaza, 31 km N of Puyo on road to Tena, side road E to Cajabamba. Remnants of premontane humid forest., -1.25 -77.8333, 1000m
3924 Henrik Balslev 2486 1987-12-22
Ecuador, Pastaza, 31km N of Puyo on road to Tena, side road E to Cajabamba. Remnants of premontane humid forest., -1.25 -77.8333, 1000m
3755 Henrik Balslev 2505 1987-12-22
Ecuador, Pastaza, -1.25 -77.8333, 1000m
48895 Henrik Balslev 2470 1983-08-07
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, 2-4 km SE of San Lorenzo, along railroad track., 1.25 -78.8333, 10m
48839 Henrik Balslev 2478 1982-05-05
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San José, km 321 along railroad from Ibarra to San Lorenzo. tropical moist forest., 350m
3849 Roelof Arend Albert Oldeman 3419 1976-03-30
Ecuador, Corredor “La Cocha”, cerca de San Juan (vía Chiriboga). SNM; bosque del subpáramo., 3360m
3889 Henrik Balslev 2552 1987-12-28
Ecuador, Pastaza, Ca 15 km N of Puyo along side road to the E. Disturbed premontane humid forest., -1.25 -77.8333
57764 Finn Borchsenius Kristensen 91416 1989-10-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Las Palmeras, old road Quito - Sto. Domingo km 59, trail leaving to the South, just opposite sign saying Estacion científico Río Guajalíto. Montane forest on steep slopes., -0.26666 -78.83333, 2000m
219689 Carlos Aedo 12984 2006-07-17
Ecuador, Azuay, pr. Andacocha, taludes con Morella y Tibouchina, y prados, -2.7822 -78.6889, 2710m
182806 Henrik Borgtoft Pedersen 104038 1993-12-22
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Old Loja-Zamora road km 40. Forest along small tributary to río El Retorno., -4 -79.0333, 1550m
182821 Henrik Borgtoft Pedersen 104413 1995-10-05
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo-Piñas road, km 7 from the "Y" de Catacocha., -3.9333 -79.4833, 1900m
182846 Henrik Borgtoft Pedersen 104165 1994-12-02
Ecuador, Loja, Parque National Podocarpus/ Reserva el bosque, above san Pedro de Vilcabamba (5 km east of the village). Trail from Loma El Trigal to río Banderilla, -4.216667 -79.166667, 2150m
182849 Henrik Borgtoft Pedersen 104433 1995-10-06
Ecuador, Loja, Celica-Alamor road km 2, near junction to Zapotillo. Disturbed primary forest., -4.1167 -79.9833, 2100m
133860 Henrik Borgtoft Pedersen 104353 1995-06-27
Ecuador, Loja, Along small road leading to the antennas from Loma del Oro, between San Lucas and Saraguro. Shrub-paramo., -3.6667 -79.2167, 3200m
133877 Henrik Borgtoft Pedersen 104358 1995-06-27
Ecuador, Loja, Along small road leading to the antennas from Loma del Oro, between San Lucas and Saraguro. Shrub-paramo., -3.6667 -79.2167, 3200m
137239 Brad Boyle 1868 1993-05-23
Ecuador, Carchi, Approx. 6 km above Maldonado, just below Puente de Palo. Primary Montane Pluvial Forest, on steep slope and ridge crest above road., 0.9 -78.1, 2275m
137823 Brad Boyle 2322 1993-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas area, access via Chamorro property above El Carmen, which is above Hualchán. Flat hilltop before steep ridge crest approach to peak 2840. Stunted Upper Montane Forest, heavily festooned with moss., 0.8333 -78.2, 2690m
137240 Brad Boyle 1867 1993-05-23
Ecuador, Carchi, Approx. 6 km above Maldonado, just below Puente de Palo. Primary Montane Pluvial Forest, on steep slope and ridge crest above road., 0.9 -78.1, 2275m
107054 Brad Boyle 3439 1994-07-25
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1.5 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8644 -78.1361, 2750m
217782 Carlos Eduardo Cerón Martínez 18022 1992-01-03
Ecuador, Guayas, Naranjal, Reserva Ecológica Manglares - Churute. Sendero entre la Guardería del M.A.G. Cerro Mate y la Laguna del Cancrón., -2.45 -79.615, 50 - 350m
219657 Carlos Aedo 13100 2006-07-20
Ecuador, Azuay, Páramo de Cajas, Chuspipuñuna, matorral de Gynoxys; borde de camino, -2.8025 -79.2183, 3440m
118039 Brad Boyle 3487 1994-08-07
Ecuador, Carchi, Prominent hillcrest directly N of Lita, on N side of Río Mira and just to E of Río Baboso. Primary premontane pluvial forest, on steep W-facing slope., 0.8833 -78.45, 760m
118027 Brad Boyle 3415 1994-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. On crest of N ridge, Low elfin forest - páramo ecotone scrub., 0.8583 -78.1389, 2880 - 2950m
118020 Brad Boyle 3408 1994-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. On crest of N ridge, Low elfin forest - páramo ecotone scrub., 0.8583 -78.1389, 2880 - 2950m
141720 Brad Boyle 1924 1993-05-23
Ecuador, Carchi, Approx. 6 km above Maldonado, just below Puente de Palo. Primary Montane Pluvial Forest, on steep slope and ridge crest above road., 0.9 -78.1, 2275m
139510 Brad Boyle 2299 1993-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas area, access via Chamorro property above El Carmen, which is above Hualchán. On peak of Cerro 2840, probably first ascent. Narrow band of wet páramo-elfin forest ecotone on summit ridge., 0.8333 -78.2, 2850 - 2860m
139511 Brad Boyle 2298 1993-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas area, access via Chamorro property above El Carmen, which is above Hualchán. On peak of Cerro 2840, probably first ascent. Narrow band of wet páramo-elfin forest ecotone on summit ridge., 0.8333 -78.2, 2850 - 2860m
140544 Brad Boyle 1923 1993-05-23
Ecuador, Carchi, Approx. 6 km above Maldonado, just below Puente de Palo. Primary Montane Pluvial Forest, on steep slope and ridge crest above road., 0.9 -78.1, 2275m
139620 Brad Boyle 1621 1993-04-14
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Pablo drainage, north side of valley, just above river on steep slope. Very wet, primary cloud forest., 0.8667 -78.1667, 1730 - 1760m
107044 Brad Boyle 3319 1994-07-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8 -78.0167, 2740m
137777 Brad Boyle 2154 1993-06-10
Ecuador, Carchi, Río San Juan valley, 4 hour walk below Chical, at Ortiz ranch between Peñas Blancas and El Pailón. Known locally as Goaltal. North-facing slope below ridge crest above Río San Juan. Primary Wet to Pluvial Premontane Forest, heavily laden with epiphytes., 1230 - 1250m
219658 Carlos Aedo 13098 2006-07-20
Ecuador, Azuay, Páramo de Cajas, Chuspipuñuna, matorral de Gynoxys; turbera, -2.8025 -79.2183, 3440m
137773 Brad Boyle 2156 1993-06-10
Ecuador, Carchi, Río San Juan valley, 4 hour walk below Chical, at Ortiz ranch between Peñas Blancas and El Pailón. Known locally as Goaltal. North-facing slope below ridge crest above Río San Juan. Primary Wet to Pluvial Premontane Forest, heavily laden with epiphytes., 1230 - 1250m
137789 Brad Boyle 2343 1993-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas area, access via Chamorro property above El Carmen, which is above Hualchán. Flat hilltop before steep ridge crest approach to peak 2840. Stunted Upper Montane Forest, heavily festooned with moss., 0.8333 -78.2, 2690m
138594 Brad Boyle 1768 1993-04-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Pablo drainage, along crest of ridge to north of river. Very wet, primary cloud forest., 0.8833 -78.1667, 1740 - 1780m
106655 Brad Boyle 3348 1994-07-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8 -78.0167, 2740m
117999 Brad Boyle 3386 1994-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. On crest of N ridge, just below peak. Low elfin forest - páramo ecotone scrub., 0.8542 -78.1392, 3000 - 3060m
118001 Brad Boyle 3387 1994-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. On crest of N ridge, just below peak. Low elfin forest - páramo ecotone scrub., 0.8542 -78.1392, 3000 - 3060m
106709 Brad Boyle 3377 1994-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Peak of Cerro Golondrinas. Stunted elfin forest - páramo ecotone, mostly mossy waist high thicket, with some open areas., 0.8533 -78.1392, 3070m
106710 Brad Boyle 3378 1994-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Peak of Cerro Golondrinas. Stunted elfin forest - páramo ecotone, mostly mossy waist high thicket, with some open areas., 0.8533 -78.1392, 3070m
106711 Brad Boyle 3379 1994-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Peak of Cerro Golondrinas. Stunted elfin forest - páramo ecotone, mostly mossy waist high thicket, with some open areas., 0.8533 -78.1392, 3070m
107122 Brad Boyle 3621 1994-08-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Property of Humberto Rosero, on N side of Río Mira. Just above cable crossing, upstream from Lita and downstream from Cachaco. Primary premontane wet forest, on steep W-facing slope., 0.86666 -78.43333, 760 - 780m
219656 Carlos Aedo 13103 2006-07-20
Ecuador, Azuay, Páramo de Cajas, laguna Toreadora herbazales junto a la laguna, -2.7814 -79.225, 3895m
134651 Brad Boyle 1566 1993-03-23
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. North-facing slope on south side of upper Río Blanco valley. Very wet cloud forest; even the thinnest twigs are thickly covered with moss., 0.8667 -78.1833, 1750 - 1800m
138631 Brad Boyle 2149 1993-06-10
Ecuador, Carchi, Río San Juan valley, 4 hour walk below Chical, at Ortiz ranch between Peñas Blancas and El Pailón. Known locally as Goaltal. North-facing slope below ridge crest above Río San Juan. Primary Wet to Pluvial Premontane Forest, heavily laden with epiphytes., 1230 - 1250m
106471 Brad Boyle 3308 1994-07-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8 -78.0167, 2740m
137824 Brad Boyle 2321 1993-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas area, access via Chamorro property above El Carmen, which is above Hualchán. Flat hilltop before steep ridge crest approach to peak 2840. Stunted Upper Montane Forest, heavily festooned with moss., 0.8333 -78.2, 2690m
106657 Brad Boyle 3350 1994-07-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8 -78.0167, 2740m
107060 Brad Boyle 3448 1994-07-25
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1.5 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8644 -78.1361, 2750m
138592 Brad Boyle 1738 1993-04-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Pablo drainage, along crest of ridge to north of river. Very wet, primary cloud forest., 0.8833 -78.1667, 1740 - 1780m
137655 Brad Boyle 1576 1993-03-23
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. North-facing slope on south side of upper Río Blanco valley. Very wet cloud forest; even the thinnest twigs are thickly covered with moss., 0.8667 -78.1833, 1750 - 1800m
137814 Brad Boyle 2254 1993-07-15
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Gualpí headwaters, north-facing slope beyond (to north of) ridge crest at 2300 m which rises above the settlements of El Carmen and La Primavera. Primary Upper Montane Pluvial Forest., 0.8333 -78.2167, 2250 - 2265m
137815 Brad Boyle 2255 1993-07-15
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Gualpí headwaters, north-facing slope beyond (to north of) ridge crest at 2300 m which rises above the settlements of El Carmen and La Primavera. Primary Upper Montane Pluvial Forest., 0.8333 -78.2167, 2250 - 2265m
219654 Carlos Aedo 13104 2006-07-20
Ecuador, Azuay, Páramo de Cajas, laguna Toreadora herbazales junto a la laguna, -2.7814 -79.225, 3895m
137825 Brad Boyle 2320 1993-07-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas area, access via Chamorro property above El Carmen, which is above Hualchán. Flat hilltop before steep ridge crest approach to peak 2840. Stunted Upper Montane Forest, heavily festooned with moss., 0.8333 -78.2, 2690m
106477 Brad Boyle 3326 1994-07-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8 -78.0167, 2740m
137807 Brad Boyle 2222 1993-07-15
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Gualpí headwaters, north-facing slope beyond (to north of) ridge crest at 2300 m which rises above the settlements of El Carmen and La Primavera. Primary Upper Montane Pluvial Forest., 0.8333 -78.2167, 2250 - 2265m
137812 Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca 11592 1993-10-30
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Reserva Ecológica El Angel. La Libertad-Morán. Quebrada Curiquingue. Bosque muy húmedo Montano. Páramo dominado por Espeletia con manchas de bosques. Suelo de origen volcánico., 0.73333 -77.01666, 3500m
107068 Brad Boyle 3457 1994-07-25
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1.5 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8644 -78.1361, 2750m
139772 Brad Boyle 2177 1993-07-15
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Gualpí headwaters, north-facing slope beyond (to north of) ridge crest at 2300 m which rises above the settlements of El Carmen and La Primavera. Primary Upper Montane Pluvial Forest., 0.8333 -78.2167, 2250 - 2265m
141315 Brad Boyle 1940 1993-05-23
Ecuador, Carchi, Approx. 6 km above Maldonado, just below Puente de Palo. Primary Montane Pluvial Forest, on steep slope and ridge crest above road., 0.9 -78.1, 2275m
140807 Brad Boyle 1961 1993-05-23
Ecuador, Carchi, Approx. 6 km above Maldonado, just below Puente de Palo. Primary Montane Pluvial Forest, on steep slope and ridge crest above road., 0.9 -78.1, 2275m
137808 Brad Boyle 2223 1993-07-15
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Gualpí headwaters, north-facing slope beyond (to north of) ridge crest at 2300 m which rises above the settlements of El Carmen and La Primavera. Primary Upper Montane Pluvial Forest., 0.8333 -78.2167, 2250 - 2265m
106656 Brad Boyle 3349 1994-07-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8 -78.0167, 2740m
219653 Carlos Aedo 13105 2006-07-20
Ecuador, Azuay, Páramo de Cajas, laguna Toreadora herbazales junto a la laguna, -2.7814 -79.225, 3895m
137647 Brad Boyle 1535 1993-03-23
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. North-facing slope on south side of upper Río Blanco valley. Very wet cloud forest; even the thinnest twigs are thickly covered with moss., 0.8667 -78.1833, 1750 - 1800m
137656 Brad Boyle 1577 1993-03-23
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. North-facing slope on south side of upper Río Blanco valley. Very wet cloud forest; even the thinnest twigs are thickly covered with moss., 0.8667 -78.1833, 1750 - 1800m
137584 Brad Boyle 1464 1993-02-06
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. North-facing slope on south side of upper Río Blanco valley. Very wet cloud forest; even the thinnest twigs are thickly covered with moss., 0.8667 -78.1833, 1750 - 1800m
137640 Brad Boyle 1502 1993-02-06
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. North-facing slope on south side of upper Río Blanco valley. Very wet cloud forest; even the thinnest twigs are thickly covered with moss., 0.8667 -78.1833, 1750 - 1800m
139769 Brad Boyle 2186 1993-07-15
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Gualpí headwaters, north-facing slope beyond (to north of) ridge crest at 2300 m which rises above the settlements of El Carmen and La Primavera. Primary Upper Montane Pluvial Forest., 0.8333 -78.2167, 2250 - 2265m
137806 Brad Boyle 2221 1993-07-15
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Gualpí headwaters, north-facing slope beyond (to north of) ridge crest at 2300 m which rises above the settlements of El Carmen and La Primavera. Primary Upper Montane Pluvial Forest., 0.8333 -78.2167, 2250 - 2265m
137813 Brad Boyle 2249 1993-07-15
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Gualpí headwaters, north-facing slope beyond (to north of) ridge crest at 2300 m which rises above the settlements of El Carmen and La Primavera. Primary Upper Montane Pluvial Forest., 0.8333 -78.2167, 2250 - 2265m
137810 Brad Boyle 2237 1993-07-15
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Gualpí headwaters, north-facing slope beyond (to north of) ridge crest at 2300 m which rises above the settlements of El Carmen and La Primavera. Primary Upper Montane Pluvial Forest., 0.8333 -78.2167, 2250 - 2265m
106658 Brad Boyle 3351 1994-07-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8 -78.0167, 2740m
106659 Brad Boyle 3352 1994-07-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8 -78.0167, 2740m
219655 Carlos Aedo 13106 2006-07-20
Ecuador, Azuay, Páramo de Cajas, bosque de Polylepis, -2.7814 -79.225, 3895m
106450 Brad Boyle 3228 1994-07-01
Ecuador, Carchi, Prominent hillcrest directly N of Lita, on N side of Río Mira and just to E of Río Baboso. Primary premontane pluvial forest, on steep W-facing slope., 0.8833 -78.45, 760m
107097 Brad Boyle 3617 1994-08-11
Ecuador, Carchi, N side of Río Mira, across from Lita. Steep N-facing slope directly across from (S of) community of Baboso, on S side of Río Baboso. Wet primary premontane forest., 0.8833 -78.45, 750m
138579 Brad Boyle 1617 1993-04-14
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Pablo drainage, north side of valley, just above river on steep slope. Very wet, primary cloud forest., 0.8667 -78.1667, 1730 - 1760m
138576 Brad Boyle 1610 1993-04-14
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Pablo drainage, north side of valley, just above river on steep slope. Very wet, primary cloud forest., 0.8667 -78.1667, 1730 - 1760m
135260 Brad Boyle 1681 1993-04-14
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper Río Pablo drainage, north side of valley, just above river on steep slope. Very wet, primary cloud forest., 0.8667 -78.1667, 1730 - 1760m
107049 Brad Boyle 3431 1994-07-25
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Valley bottom ca. 1.5 km NNE of summit. Mossy upper montane forest, with tall trees to 30 m high near creek margin, stunted elfin forest on ridge crest., 0.8644 -78.1361, 2750m
Ocotea valerioana W.C. Burger
137774 Brad Boyle 2153 1993-06-10
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Río San Juan valley, 4 hour walk below Chical, at Ortiz ranch between Peñas Blancas and El Pailón. Known locally as Goaltal. North-facing slope below ridge crest above Río San Juan. Primary Wet to Pluvial Premontane Forest, heavily laden with epiphytes., 1230 - 1250m
137780 Brad Boyle 2356 1993-07-25
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas area, upper Río Gualpí watershed. Access via Chamorro property above El Carmen, which is above Hualchán. Ridge at high point directly above El Carmen, on new trail to peak 2840. Pluvial Upper Montane Forest., 0.8333 -78.2167, 2500m
117872 Jason Christopher Bradford 124 1994-07-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golandrinas. Primary forest and vegetation highly variable due to complex topography. Mossy, upper montane pluvial forest with trees up to 30 m tall in ravines and creek bottoms. Varíously stunted forest and shrubbery on exposed slopes, ridges and peaks; some areas similar to paramo., 0.25 -78.13333, 2750 - 3070m
117874 Jason Christopher Bradford 128 1994-07-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golandrinas. Primary forest and vegetation highly variable due to complex topography. Mossy, upper montane pluvial forest with trees up to 30 m tall in ravines and creek bottoms. Varíously stunted forest and shrubbery on exposed slopes, ridges and peaks; some areas similar to paramo., 0.25 -78.13333, 2750 - 3070m
219249 Carlos Aedo 13190 2006-07-26
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, P.N. Podocarpus, cerro Toledo, páramo, taludes abiertos con rocas y musgos, -4.386944 -79.113056, 3270m
142560 Jason Christopher Bradford 78 1993-06-10
Ecuador, Carchi, From Goatal at 1100 m, hike past Santa Rosa and up to El Corazon at 2150 m (about six hours). Montane to Upper Montane Pluvial Forest. Area mildly to highly disturbed by trail cutting and selective logging for "cedro"., 0.8158 -78.1169, 2150 - 2420m
141048 Jason Christopher Bradford 71 1993-06-10
Ecuador, Carchi, From Goatal at 1100 m, hike past Santa Rosa and up to El Corazon at 2150 m (about six hours). Montane to Upper Montane Pluvial Forest. Area mildly to highly disturbed by trail cutting and selective logging for "cedro"., 0.8158 -78.1169, 2150 - 2420m
142572 Jason Christopher Bradford 89 1993-06-10
Ecuador, Carchi, From Goatal at 1100 m, hike past Santa Rosa and up to El Corazon at 2150 m (about six hours). Montane to Upper Montane Pluvial Forest. Area mildly to highly disturbed by trail cutting and selective logging for "cedro"., 0.8158 -78.1169, 2150 - 2420m