Search Criteria: Ecuador; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1627, records 162601-162700 of 206679

Herbario Nacional del Ecuador (QCNE)

125395David A. Neill   110221997-12-15
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Site of ARCO Central Processing facility, 33 km east of Puyo. Colonia Bolívar. Premontane wet forest. Primary forest remnants., -1.3833 -77.75, 1000m

125339David A. Neill   116931998-12-18
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Hacienda Don Juan, 10 km northeast of Jama, slopes north of Río Don Juan. Tropical moist forest along ridge, with frequent fogs and high humidity., -0.15 -80.1833, 400m

124984David A. Neill   115321998-12-15
Ecuador, Manabí, Pedernales, Camarones, 30 km south of Pedernales on coastal highway. Tropical moist forest. Primary forest on hills, 2 km from the seashore., -0.06666 -80.16666, 100m

223355David A. Neill   163882008-07-20
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Taisha, Shuar village of Shiram Entsa, 2 km north of Río Cangaime on nearly flat plain. Tall moist forest, somewhat disturbed, on clay soil. One-hectare forest inventory plot established by Shiram Entsa high school students in program supported by National Geographic Society "Genographic Legacy Fund"., -2.7458 -77.5606, 220m

140238David A. Neill   127052000-05-18
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Muisne, Hills 2 km inland from the sea, east of Quingüe, ca. 14 km northwest of Muisne along path to microwave tower. Tropical wet forest, disturbed, dominated by Virola dixonii., 0.7167 -80.0667, 250m

Cordia hebeclada I.M. Johnst.
128951David A. Neill   117501998-12-29
Ecuador, Manabí, Manta, Bosque Protector Pacoche, 15 km southwest of Manta. Plateau with moist forest, highly disturbed, with coffee plantations., -1.0833 -80.8333, 350m

33642David A. Neill   58921985-03-02
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, 2 km northeast of Mera. Premontane Rain Forest., -1.45 -78.1, 1100m

93130Inés Padilla   31101995-04-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Parroquia Calacalí-Reserva Geobotánica Pululahua., 0.05 -78.4333, 2800m

125052David A. Neill   116271998-12-17
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Cerro del Matal, 3 km northwest of Jama, 1 km inland from seashore. Tropical dry forest with Ceiba trichistandra., -0.1833 -80.3, 100m

Cordia hebeclada I.M. Johnst.
55245David A. Neill   97871991-02-01
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Maquipucuna Biological Reserve, 9 km northeast of Nanegal. Secondary forest and pastures. Tropical Premontane Wet Forest., 0.1667 -78.6667, 1300m

550David A. Neill   70151985-11-16
Ecuador, Napo, Río Napo, 2 km río abajo de Campana Cocha, boca del Río Huambuno. Bosque Muy Húmedo Tropical. Bosque perturbado y primarío., -0.9833 -77.4833

973David A. Neill   66431985-08-14
Ecuador, Pastaza, Río Curaray; boca del Río Namoyacu. Bosque Húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío, terraza del río, suelo aluvial sujeto a inundación ocasional., -1.4 -76.75, 275m

Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken
20643David A. Neill   91771989-12-14
Ecuador, Napo, Cantón Archidona. South slopes of Volcán Sumaco. Hollín- Loreto road, km 45. Ridge above west bank of Río Pucuno; new road to Galeras under construccion. Premontane Wet Forest; primary forest., -0.7333 -77.5833, 1100m

77679David A. Neill   70771986-01-04
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Estación Biológica Jatun Sacha. Río Napo, 8 km al este de Misahuallí. Bosque muy húmedo tropical., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m

44010David A. Neill   96571990-12-10
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Río Nangaritza. Miazi. Rocky river banks and adjacent forest. Tropical Premontane Wet Forest., -4.3 -78.6667, 1000m

981David A. Neill   59251985-03-02
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, 2 km northeast of Mera. Premontane Rain Forest., -1.45 -78.1, 1100m

975David A. Neill   64331985-03-31
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m

29933David A. Neill   82371988-01-09
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Yasuní. Pozo Petrolero Conoco - Amo 2. Bosque húmedo tropical. Bosque primarío, lomas, oxisol., -0.95 -76.21666, 230m

Glandularia laciniata Schnack & Covas
93119Inés Padilla   31641995-04-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Parroquia Calacalí. Reserva Geobotánica Pululahua., 0.05 -78.4333, 2800m

28684David A. Neill   79701987-10-25
Ecuador, Manabí, 12 km al SE de Manta. Montecristi. Monte espinoso seco. Vegetación perturbada al pie del Cerro Montecristi., -1.0833 -80.6667, 100m

986David A. Neill   65671985-08-12
Ecuador, Pastaza, Curaray (pueblo), Río Curaray. Bosque Húmedo Tropical. Bosque perturbado y secundarío., -1.3667 -76.9167, 300m

985David A. Neill   66191985-08-14
Ecuador, Pastaza, Río Curaray; boca del Río Namoyacu. Bosque Húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío, terraza del río, suelo aluvial sujeto a inundación ocasional., -1.4 -76.75, 275m

27765David A. Neill   84081988-05-17
Ecuador, Napo, Carretera Hollín-Loreto, km 25; entre el Río Hollín y el Río Guamaní. Bosque primarío al lado de la carretera. Bosque muy húmedo Premontano., -0.7167 -77.6667, 1200m

Cordia cylindrostachya Roem. & Schult.
55247David A. Neill   97851991-02-01
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Maquipucuna Biological Reserve, 9 km northeast of Nanegal. Secondary forest and pastures. Tropical Premontane Wet Forest., 0.1667 -78.6667, 1300m

Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken
167033David A. Neill   136252002-01-29
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Sumaco Biosphere Reserve, outside boundaries of national park. Challua Yacu community, near Hollín-Loreto road, south slopes of Volcán Sumaco. Premontane Wet Forest. Permanent one-hectare forest inventory plot, estabished in 1989. Trees over 10 cm DBH numbered and tagged., -0.7167 -77.65, 1200m

Cordia hebeclada I.M. Johnst.
125182David A. Neill   114391998-08-28
Ecuador, Manabí, 45 km north of Pedernales along new coastal highway. Tropical moist forest. Low ground in stream valley, with forest remnants, just above tidal estuary of Río Cojimiés., 0.3 -79.8833, 5m

43981David A. Neill   96881990-12-11
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Río Nangaritza, upper valley. 3 km east of Miazi, near disputed Peru-Ecuador border. Primary forest. Premontane Wet Forest., -4.3 -78.6667, 1000m

89959David A. Neill   103581994-06-19
Ecuador, Manabí, Manta, Manta, on the outskirts of the city of Manta. Cliffs above the sea. Dry coastal thorn scrub vegetation with scattered columnar cacti., -0.9333 -80.7333, 20m

158291David A. Neill   129912000-12-09
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Cordillera del Cóndor. Valley of Río Quimi, west of Cordillera del Cóndor ridge. Alluvial soil, valley bottom. Primary forest remnants amid pastures., 920m

98803Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca   126471994-08-21
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, El Gualtal. Faldas de Cerro Golondrina Hembra. Bosque Muy húmedo Montano. Bosque primarío con árboles de 25 m de altura., 0.85 -78.1167, 2450m

125577David A. Neill   116471998-12-18
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Hacienda Don Juan, 10 km northeast of Jama, slopes north of Río Don Juan. Tropical dry forest/moist forest transition., -0.15 -80.1833, 200m

125004David A. Neill   116111998-12-17
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Cerro del Matal, 3 km northwest of Jama, 1 km inland from seashore. Tropical dry forest with Ceiba trichistandra., -0.1833 -80.3, 100m

Cordia ucayaliensis I.M. Johnst.
222067David A. Neill   162322008-03-17
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Centinela del Cóndor, Cordillera del Cóndor, western slopes. Río Blanco watershed, tributary of Río Machinaza. Montane wetcloud forest on ridgetop, with abundant epiphytes, one km S of Paquisha Alto military post. Forest inventory plot, 0.25-hectare. "Emperador" concession of Aurelian gold mine company., 1960m

163134David A. Neill   136522001-02-05
Ecuador, Orellana, Loreto, Yasuní National Park. Primate research area, in Bogi sector of park, near km 47 of pipeline road. Mature tropical moist forest on hilly terrain. Marked trees in one-hectare transects PA and PB., -0.7 -76.48333, 230m

177177David A. Neill   142802003-03-14
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo-Galeras. Cordillera de Galeras. Western slopes of the Cordillera, below summit ridge, headwaters of Río Pusuno. Steep rocky canyon bottom. Sandstone substrate., -0.83888 -77.525, 1400m

108144David A. Neill   104681996-02-27
Ecuador, Guayas, Guayaquil, Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco. 15 km west of Guayaquil. Tropical Dry Forest on limestone substrate. Disturbed forest near Quebrada Papagayo., -2.1667 -79.9667, 230m

150434David A. Neill   121171999-11-14
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Southwest ridge of Cerro Hermoso. Outcrop of metamorphic rock -- micaceous schist. Thin soil, pa|ramo, sparse vegetation., 4170m

150438David A. Neill   121131999-11-14
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Southwest ridge of Cerro Hermoso. Outcrop of metamorphic rock -- micaceous schist. Thin soil, pa|ramo, sparse vegetation., 4170m

140346David A. Neill   119031999-08-27
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Along road east of Salcedo. Valley of Río Anatenorío, road km 56. Montane wet forest. Steep rocky slope of crystalline schist., -0.9833 -78.2839, 3150m

99693Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca   130290000-00-00
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Chinchipe, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. La Esmeralda (Cooperativa San Francisco de Numbala Alto). Bosque primarío alto., 2250m

150412David A. Neill   120961999-11-14
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Southwest ridge of Cerro Hermoso. Outcrop of black calcareous rock and adjacent páramo on thin soil., 4130m

150425David A. Neill   120971999-11-14
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Southwest ridge of Cerro Hermoso. Outcrop of black calcareous rock and adjacent páramo on thin soil., 4130m

167803David A. Neill   139572002-04-08
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Upper valley of Río Tulubí, 2 km north of Lita-San Lorenzo road, west of Durango. Adjacent to Awá Indigenous Territory. Mature, very wet forest, currently being logged., 1.0292 -78.59, 230m

5244David A. Neill   70621986-01-04
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Estación Biológica Jatun Sacha. Río Napo, 8 km al este de Misahuallí. Bosque muy húmedo tropical., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m

Cayaponia Silva Manso
163127David A. Neill   136592001-02-05
Ecuador, Orellana, Loreto, Yasuní National Park. Primate research area, in Bogi sector of park, near km 47 of pipeline road. Mature tropical moist forest on hilly terrain. Marked trees in one-hectare transects PA and PB., -0.7 -76.4833333, 230m

213508David A. Neill   157072007-09-15
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera del Cóndor, "Area de Conservación Los Tepuyes". Riparian vegetation along west bank of upper Río Nangaritza near the Cabañas Yankuam lodge. Soil of sand eroded from sandstone plateau above, mixed with river-borne clay sediment, -4.2481 -78.6597, 900m

124963David A. Neill   115121998-12-15
Ecuador, Manabí, Pedernales, Camarones, 30 km south of Pedernales on coastal highway. Tropical moist forest. Primary forest on hills, 2 km from the seashore., -0.06666 -80.16666, 100m

124993David A. Neill   115431998-12-16
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Cordillera de Jama (coastal range). Cerro Nueve, 15 km east of Jama, north of Río Jama. Remnant wet forest with frequent fog, below microwave tower., -0.2667 -80.2, 600m

5252David A. Neill   70401985-12-12
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, 1 km al sur del Río Napo, 2 km al oeste de Misahuallí. Bosque muy húmedo tropical. Suelo rojo arcilloso. Bosque primarío., -1.0333 -77.65, 450m

6696David A. Neill   65511985-08-03
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m

38808Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca   54161990-09-07
Ecuador, Napo, Cantón El Chaco. Márgen derecha del Río Quijos. Finca "La Ave Brava" de Segundo Pacheco. Bosque pluvial Premontano. Bosque primarío, sobre suelos saturados., -0.2 -77.65, 1800 - 1900m

140203David A. Neill   119171999-08-27
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Along road east of Salcedo. Upper valley of Río Anatenorío. Site "Siete Vueltas". Disturbed upper montane forest, transition to páramo., -0.9825 -78.3525, 3580m

149334David A. Neill   120271999-11-13
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Base of Cerro Hermoso on western side, near lake. Metamorphic rock substrate. Páramo and shrubby thickets., 3850m

214387David A. Neill   153552006-12-03
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Palanda, Podocarpus National Park. Crest of the Nudo de Sabanilla, at the continental divide, east of the road pass between Yangana and Valladolid, above the microwave antenna. Low, dense montane forest, dense shrubby scrub, and páramo with Sphagnum bogs., -4.4361 -79.1425, 2870m

109351David A. Neill   104161995-01-21
Ecuador, Napo, Quijos, Laguna de Papallacta. Montane Wet Forest. Disturbed forest, on slope above lake, pasture edge., -0.3667 -78.15, 3400m

150458David A. Neill   121831999-11-17
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Near Río Milín, south of Laguna Pisayambo. Bunchgrass páramo and forest patches., 3640m

149362David A. Neill   119641999-11-12
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. West of Cerro Hermoso, near saddle between headwaters of Río Verde and Río Topo. Slopes on metamorphic rock with bunchgrass and dwarf bamboo (Neurolepis aristata)., 3950m

140190David A. Neill   119111999-08-27
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Along road east of Salcedo. Valley of Río Anatenorío, road km 42. Streamside and wet, boggy area in páramo., -0.9875 -78.3614, 3775m

149311David A. Neill   120211999-11-13
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Base of Cerro Hermoso on western side, near lake. Metamorphic rock substrate. Páramo and shrubby thickets., 3850m

149378David A. Neill   119601999-11-12
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. West of Cerro Hermoso, near saddle between headwaters of Río Verde and Río Topo. Cushion páramo on flat boggy site., 3950m

149370David A. Neill   119551999-11-12
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. West of Cerro Hermoso, near saddle between headwaters of Río Verde and Río Topo. Cushion páramo on flat boggy site., 3950m

64207Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca   92161991-11-19
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Lago Agrio, Reserva Cuyabeno. Laguna Grande. Bosque húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío sobre suelo bien drenado, junto a cabañas NEOTROPIC., 230m

2112David A. Neill   7378A1986-10-06
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Quito - Papallacta, 1 km al este de la cumbre (La Virgen). Transción entre páramo y bosque del sub-páramo., -0.3333 -78.25, 3800m

30299David A. Neill   80181987-11-28
Ecuador, Pichincha, 2 km al E de la cumbre de la carretera Pifo-Papallacta (La Virgen). Subpáramo. Vegetación arbustiva., -0.3333 -78.25, 3900m

149381David A. Neill   119441999-11-12
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Slopes of metamorphic rock, west of Cerro Hermoso, near saddle between headwaters of Río Verde and Río Topo., 3950m

109566David A. Neill   106961996-08-25
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station, south bank of Rí0 Napo, 8 km east of Misahuallí. Tropical Wet Forest life zone. Cultivated plants in Ishpingo Botanical Garden., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m

25732David A. Neill   89051989-02-13
Ecuador, Pastaza, Via Auca, 115 km south of Coca, near Río Tiguino. Entrance road to PETROCANADA oil well site. Tropical Moist Forest. Primary forest on hills; red clay oxisol. Trees felled for road construction., -1.25 -76.9167, 320m

79777David A. Neill   101101992-08-26
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Yasuní National Park. Río Indillama, a small southern tributary of the Río Napo. at Comuna Pompeya. The Río Indillama forms the Park boundary. Tropical moist forest. Vegetation along river bank., -0.5 -76.6667, 220m

193379David A. Neill   144442003-09-07
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui, Cordillera del Cóndor, 1 km south of Cóndor Mirador military post, on Ecuador-Peru border. Sandstone ridge; dwarf forest with canopy 5 m tall, or lower scrub, 2 m tall, on exposed ridge., -3.6456 -78.3956, 1970m

14689David A. Neill   58821985-03-02
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, 5 km northeast of Mera, carretera al Río Ansu., -1.4333 -78.1, 1200m

150449David A. Neill   121791999-11-14
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Base of Cerro Hermoso on western side, near lake. Metamorphic rock -- micaceous schist. Páramo., 3850m

162646David A. Neill   137832002-02-18
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera de Nanguipa. Cerro Colorado. About 8 km by air SSE of Nambija, 20 km ESE of Zamora. Montane cloud forest. Quartz rock substrate., -4.1247 -78.7736, 2500m

Mendoncia Vell. ex Vand.
99458Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca   124211994-08-18
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Las Juntas - El Corazn. Bosque Muy húmedo Montano Bajo., 0.8 -78.15, 1500 - 1600m

55315David A. Neill   98681991-04-25
Ecuador, Imbabura, Otavalo, 10 km W of Otavalo. Slopes below antenna on Cerro Blanco, off road to San José de Minas. Primary cloud forest and secondary vegetation in pastures. Montane Moist Forest., 0.2 -78.33333, 3300m

162651David A. Neill   137782002-02-18
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera de Nanguipa. Cerro Colorado. About 8 km by air SSE of Nambija, 20 km ESE of Zamora. Montane cloud forest. Quartz rock substrate., -4.1247 -78.7736, 2500m

222691David A. Neill   162262008-03-17
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Centinela del Cóndor, Cordillera del Cóndor, western slopes. Río Blanco watershed, tributary of Río Machinaza. Montane wetcloud forest on ridgetop, with abundant epiphytes, one km S of Paquisha Alto military post. Forest inventory plot, 0.25-hectare. "Emperador" concession of Aurelian gold mine company., 1960m

79929David A. Neill   101421992-09-17
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station. South of Río Napo, 8 km east of Misahullí. Tropical Wet Forest. Primary forest on hills., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m

177186David A. Neill   142712003-03-13
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo-Galeras. Cordillera de Galeras. Ridge, west of the main crest of the Cordillera, along trail from Mushullacta to the summit. Lower montane wet forest on sandstone substrate., -0.8291667 -77.5377777, 1570m

19443David A. Neill   87731989-01-26
Ecuador, Pastaza, Via Auca, 115 km S of Coca, 10 km S of Napo-Pastaza border; near Río Tiguino. Tropical Moist Forest on low hills. Primary forest; trees felled for road construction. Entrance road to PETROCANADA oil well site., -1.25 -76.9167, 320m

9766David A. Neill   70721986-01-04
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Estación Biológica Jatun Sacha. Río Napo, 8 km al este de Misahuallí. Bosque muy húmedo tropical., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m

109580David A. Neill   106571996-08-10
Ecuador, Guayas, Guayaquil, Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco. Tropical Dry Forest. On dry slopes above Quebrada Canoa, along Sendero Buena Vista., -2.1667 -80.0167, 180m

20658David A. Neill   91591989-12-12
Ecuador, Napo, Cantón Archidona. North bank Río Suno, 15 km NW of Loreto, 8 km W of El Progreso. Tropical Wet Forest. Alluvial terraces and bluffs above river. Diturbed forest., -0.6 -77.3833333, 600m

62607David A. Neill   98801991-07-02
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station. Río Napo, 8 km east of Misahuallí. Tropical Wet Forest., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m

29202Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca   601985-02-20
Ecuador, Pastaza, Hacienda San Antonio de Baron von Humboldt, 2 Km al NE de Mera., -1.45 -78.1, 1100m

193708David A. Neill   146582005-09-18
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera del Cóndor. Centro Shuar Kuankus. Summit of Cerro Chuank Naint ("Vulture Mountain" in Shuar), a sandstone massif. Low, dense forest and scrub at eastern edge of sandstone escarpment., -3.06 -78.2403, 1270m

169742David A. Neill   141032002-10-06
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera del Cóndor. Centro Shuar Warints. Valley of Río Warints, 2 km SW of Shuar village. Pastures and disturbed forest remnants., -3.1797 -78.2714, 925m

20669David A. Neill   91841989-12-14
Ecuador, Napo, Cantón Archidona. South slopes of Volcán Sumaco. Hollín- Loreto road, km 45. Ridge above west bank of Río Pucuno; new road to Galeras under construccion. Premontane Wet Forest; primary forest., -0.7333 -77.5833, 1100m

31049David A. Neill   84871988-06-03
Ecuador, Napo, Estación Biológica Jatun Sacha. Río Napo, 8 km al E de Misahuallí. Bosque muy húmedo Tropical. Lomas de suelo rojo, Oxisol., -1.0667 -77.6, 450m

9767David A. Neill   68851985-09-23
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, 6 km al N de Shushufindi, hacia Dureno. Bosque Húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío, suelo aluvial., -0.1667 -76.6667, 450m

271David A. Neill   72621986-09-03
Ecuador, Napo, Estación Experimental INIAP-Payamino, 5 km al N de Coca. Reserva Florística El Chuncho. Bosque Húmedo Tropical,bosque primarío, suelo oxisol rojo, colinas bajas., -0.41666 -77, 250m

28947David A. Neill   79961987-11-24
Ecuador, Napo, Reserva Biológica Jatun Sacha. Río Napo, 8 km al E de Misahuallí. Bosque muy húmedo tropical. Bosque primarío. Lomas de suelo rojo oxisol., -1.0667 -77.6, 450m

61837David A. Neill   99911991-11-17
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Comuna Parutu Yacu. South bank of Río Napo, 15 km east of Coca. Trail to Laguna Taracoa. Mature forest on hills. Tropical Moist Forest., -0.4166667 -76.8333333, 240m

140746David A. Neill   125682000-02-14
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Territorío Indígena Awá. Mataje village. Tropical wet forest. One-hectare forest inventory plot. Primary forest, 500 m west of Río Mataje, gently sloping terrain., 1.2167 -78.5669, 150m

158239David A. Neill   129272000-11-15
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Territorío Indígena Awá. Centro Mataje. Forest management area. One-hectare permanent plot in primary forest, 500 m west of Río Mataje. Lowland wet forest., 1.2167 -78.5669, 150m

164463John Littner Clark   43641997-04-09
Ecuador, Manabí, Jaramijó, Jama Cantòn. Hacienda Camerones. Propiedad de la Famalia Loor, vía marginal de la costa; 30 km south of Pedernales. 10 m. Mostly cow pastures. Mostly cow pastures with small remnants of Tropical Moist Forest., 0.08333 -80.15, 10m

96708Walter Armando Palacios Cuenca   137690000-00-00
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Muisne, Muisne. Sitio San Salvador, orillas del Río Sucio. Bosque húmedo Tropical., 0.6 -80.3333, 100 - 150m

Allophylus pilosus A.H. Gentry
125598David A. Neill   111061998-01-20
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Río Acaro or Challuayacu (erroneously as "Río Manderoyacu" on IGM map). Near ACRO potential oil well site "A". Valley bottom, alluvial soil, sandstone Chambira formation., 330m

213289David A. Neill   158312007-09-17
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera del Cóndor, "Area de Conservación Los Tepuyes". Along banks of the Río Nangaritza, at the confluence of the Río Chumbiriatza, upriver from Miazi. Disturbed wet forest on alluvial soil, and lower slopes of river valley., -4.2875 -78.6531, 910m

109603David A. Neill   106561996-08-09
Ecuador, Guayas, Milagro, Reserva Ecológica Manglares Churute. Cerro Cimalón. Tropical Moist Forest on limestone substrate., 100m

Allophylus pilosus A.H. Gentry
27804David A. Neill   73551986-09-10
Ecuador, Napo, Estación Experimental INIAP-Payamino, 5 km al N de Coca. Reserva Florística El Chuncho. Bosque Húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío, muchos arboles caidos hoy, despues de un ventarrón ayer., -0.41666 -77, 250m

Page 1627, records 162601-162700 of 206679

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