143503 Edwin Narváez 180 1998-10-09
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Parque Nacional Llanganates, 300 m al noroeste de la Laguna de Yanacocha, sector San Martín. Páramo húmedo y vegetación arbustiva. Roca metamórfica. Guía: Amable Saravia., -1.0833 -78.3167, 3600m
203862 Edwin Narváez 588 2000-07-12
Ecuador, Carchi, Huaca, Estación Biológica Guandera. Parroquia Marsical Sucre. Páramo de frailejones, dominado por Calamagrostis y Espeletia pycnophylla. Parche de bosque alto andino. Suelo profundo., 0.583333 -77.716667, 3500m
194406 Edwin Narváez 961 2004-03-08
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Eloy Alfaro, Parroquia Teleuvi. Cristóbal Colón. Cooperativa Tesoro Escondido. Zona del Río Gualpi. Bosque Húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío colinado., 0.5167 -79.1333, 520m
9765 David A. Neill 6867 1985-09-21
Ecuador, Napo, Km 42, carretera Lago Agrío-Coca. Plantación Experimental de la Corp. Forestal Durini. Bosque Húmedo Tropical. Suelo aluvial fértil., -0.25 -76.6, 450m
33592 David A. Neill 5784 1985-02-27
Ecuador, Pastaza, Hacienda San Antonio de Baron von Humboldt, 2 km al NE de Mera. Bosque Pluvial Premontano. Bosque perturbado y margenes., -1.45 -78.1, 1100m
227256 David A. Neill 16908 2009-06-23
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Paquisha, Cordillera del Cóndor. The Machinaza plateau, one of the highest-elevation Hollín sandstone plateaus in the Cóndor region. About 500 m west of the Ecuador-Peru international border, near end of trail from Paquisha Alto military post. Bare sandstone su, -3.9016667 -78.78, 2315m
125635 David A. Neill 11090 1998-01-19
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Río Acaro or Challuayacu (erroneously as "Río Manderoyacu" on IGM map). ARCO potential oil well site "C". Alluvial soil, sandstone Chambira formation. Tropical wet forest., -1.38333 -77.7, 360m
157367 David A. Neill 13055 2001-03-19
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera de Huaracayo, east of Cordillera del Cóndor and Río Coangos. Ridge east of Shuar village of Tinkimints. Montane forest on sandstone substrate., -3.26083 -78.78, 1760m
157729 David A. Neill 13141 2001-03-22
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera de Huaracayo, east of Cordillera del Cóndor and Río Coangos. Cerro Ijiach Naint, flat-topped sandstone mountain, east of Shuar village of Tinkimints. Forested slopes and stream valley, near waterfall below vertical cliffs., -3.26194 -78.8, 1750m
162829 David A. Neill 13489 2001-11-28
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Cordillera Sacha Llanganates. Summit ridge, overlooking Amazon lowlands to east, Río Zuñac watershed to west. Very wet, dense cloud forest. Granite substrate., -1.36388 -78.8, 2740m
172179 Benjamin Øllgaard 57268 1985-02-07
Ecuador, Carchi, Perhumid forest on wet plateau above San Marcos de los Coaiqueres, on trail towards Gualpí Bajo., 1.1 -78.2833, 1000m
177896 David A. Neill
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, detailed locality information protected
193818 David A. Neill 14995 2005-12-06
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui, Cordillera del Cóndor. Upper watershed of Río Wawaime (tributary of Río Quimi). Ridge above site of proposed EcuaCorriente open-pit copper mine. Low, dense forest; canopy 10-15 m. Substrate: mixture of Hollín sandstone and Zamora batholith granite. Soil of quartzsite sand with some red clay., -3.5822 -78.4389, 1440m
199936 David A. Neill 15098 2006-01-06
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Reserva de Bosque Seco "Lalo Loor", 22 km south of Pedernales along coastal highway, 2 km inland from the sea. Low coastal hills, with transition from tropical moist forest to dry deciduous forest., -0.0786 -80.1519, 50m
213294 David A. Neill 15805 2007-09-17
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera del Cóndor, "Area de Conservación Los Tepuyes". Along banks of the Río Nangaritza, in the sandstone-walled canyon between Miazi and Shaime. Dense wet forest and sandstone rock outcrops., -4.3133 -78.6614, 890m
214237 David A. Neill 15341 2006-12-03
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Palanda, Podocarpus National Park. Crest of the Nudo de Sabanilla, at the continental divide, east of the road pass between Yangana and Valladolid, above the microwave antenna. Low, dense montane forest, dense shrubby scrub, and páramo with Sphagnum bogs., -4.4361111 -79.79, 2870m
221550 David A. Neill 16312 2008-03-21
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Yantzaza, Cordillera del Cóndor region. Along banks of the Río Machinaza, just above the point where the river enters a narrow gorge. Cloud forest with canopy to 25 m. "Fruto del Norte" site of Aurelian mine company., -3.7661 -78.4983, 1390m
223929 David A. Neill 16418 2008-07-27
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Taisha, Shuar village of Chiwias, about 2 km west of the Río Cangaime. Tall moist forest on nearly level plain. One-hectare forest inventory plot established by Chiwias high school students in program supported by National Geographic Society "Genographic Legacy Fund". This site, with presence of Theobroma cacao in forest and potsherds in soil, probable indicators of cultivation in past., -2.6672 -77.4978, 230m
224068 David A. Neill 16421 2008-07-27
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Taisha, Shuar village of Chiwias, about 2 km west of the Río Cangaime. Tall moist forest on nearly level plain. One-hectare forest inventory plot established by Chiwias high school students in program supported by National Geographic Society "Genographic Legacy Fund". This site, with presence of Theobroma cacao in forest and potsherds in soil, probable indicators of cultivation in past centuries., -2.6672 -77.4978, 230m
233533 David A. Neill 12911 2000-11-15
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Territorío Indígena Awá. Centro Mataje. Forest management area. One-hectare permanent plot in primary forest, 500 m west of Río Mataje. Lowland wet forest., 1.2167 -78.8, 150m
21502 David A. Neill 9125 1989-11-26
Ecuador, Napo, Cantón Orellana. INIAP Payamino Agricultural Experiment Station. Reserva "El Chuncho" 6 km northwest of Coca. Tropical Moist Forest. Primary forest; hills; red clay soil., -0.5 -77.01666, 250m
59203 Benjamin Øllgaard 99113 1991-07-29
Ecuador, Pichincha, Forest remnants E of San Francisco de Pampas. Montane forest., -0.41666 -78.96666, 1600m
109268 David A. Neill 10485 1996-02-29
Ecuador, Guayas, Guayaquil, Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco. Mid-slopes of Cerro Blanco, on north side. Secondary vegetation. Tropical Dry Forest on limestone substrate., -2.1761 -80.02, 300m
109342 David A. Neill 10418 1995-06-18
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Yasuní National Park. Maxus oil pipeline road, kilometer 46, near Capiron well site. Tropical Moist Forest. Primary forest, on hills., -0.6833 -76.45, 270m
125005 David A. Neill 11612 1998-12-17
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Cerro del Matal, 3 km northwest of Jama, 1 km inland from seashore. Tropical dry forest with Ceiba trichistandra., -0.1833 -80.3, 100m
125016 David A. Neill 11517 1998-12-15
Ecuador, Manabí, Pedernales, Camarones, 30 km south of Pedernales on coastal highway. Tropical moist forest. Primary forest on hills, 2 km from the seashore., -0.06666 -80.16666, 100m
61839 David A. Neill 9989 1991-11-17
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Comuna Parutu Yacu. South bank of Río Napo, 15 km east of Coca. Trail to Laguna Taracoa. Mature forest on hills. Tropical Moist Forest., -0.41666 -76.83333, 240m
166866 David A. Neill 13939 2002-04-08
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Upper valley of Río Tulubí, 2 km north of Lita-San Lorenzo road, west of Durango. Adjacent to Awá Indigenous Territory. Mature, very wet forest, currently being logged., 1.0292 -78.59, 230m
109505 David A. Neill 10671 1996-08-08
Ecuador, Guayas, Guayaquil, Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco. Tropical Dry Forest. On alluvial fan below base of Cerro Blanco, near visitor center. Secondary forest., -2.1667 -80.0167, 60m
29924 David A. Neill 7322 1986-09-10
Ecuador, Napo, Estación Experimental INIAP-Payamino, 5 km al N de Coca. Reserva Florística El Chuncho. Bosque Húmedo Tropical. Bosque primarío, muchos arboles caidos hoy, despues de un ventarrón ayer., -0.41666 -77, 250m
53280 David A. Neill 8724 1989-01-12
Ecuador, Napo, Jatun Sacha Biological Station. Río Napo, 8 km east of Misahuallí. Tropical Wet Forest. Medicinal plant vouchers; with Ethnobotany class from School for Field Studies., -1.0667 -77.6, 450m
128949 David A. Neill 11778 1999-01-07
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Territorío Indígena Awá. Mataje village. Forest management area. Tropical wet forest., 1.2 -78.5667, 200m
59179 Benjamin Øllgaard 99056 1991-07-21
Ecuador, Napo, Upper Río Tiputini, ca. 2 canoe-hours from bridge on Coca-Auca-oilfield road. Tropical rain forest., -0.71666 -76.95, 300m
162897 David A. Neill 13459 2001-11-28
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Cordillera Sacha Llanganates. Ridge above headwaters of Río Zuñac with very dense, wet forest. Granite substrate., -1.3633 -78.1297, 2600m
162904 David A. Neill 13448 2001-11-28
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Cordillera Sacha Llanganates. Flat ridge above Río Zuñac with very dense forest. Canopy 8-10 m tall, very wet, dense load of epiphytic mosses. Granite substrate., -1.3642 -78.1333, 2550m
162449 David A. Neill 13316 2001-07-23
Ecuador, Manabí, Manta, Along road 8 km south of San Mateo, 2 km north of El Aromo, southwest of Manta. Dry tropical scrub vegetation, disturbed, on ridge above dry gully. Now during dry season., -1.0333 -80.8333, 300m
194686 Agroambiente s/n 2012-12-10
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Área de cultivo de arroz., 0.266667 -79.4, 150m
213022 David A. Neill 16031 2007-09-26
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Palanda, Podocarpus National Park. Nudo de Sabanilla ridge, on the continental divide, upper Río Chinchipe watershed, near road pass between Yangana and Valladolid. Dense, wet montane scrub vegetation., -4.4486 -79.1406, 2760m
213053 David A. Neill 16023 2007-09-25
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Palanda, Tapichalaca Reserve, south of Podocarpus National Park, along road between Yangana and Valladolid, upper Río Chinchipe watershed. Wet montane cloud forest and disturbed roadside vegetation., -4.4811 -79.1492, 2650m
29420 David A. Neill 5889 1985-03-02
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, Carretera al río Ansu. Bosque pluvial Premontano. Bosque primarío y margenes., -1.4333 -78.1, 1200m
193430 David A. Neill 14426 2003-09-06
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui, Cordillera del Cóndor. Ridge crest, on sandstone substrate, 2 km north of Cóndor Mirador military post. Low forest or dense shrubby vegetation., -3.6281 -78.395, 1975m
221949 David A. Neill 16129 2008-03-15
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Centinela del Cóndor, Cordillera del Cóndor. Machinaza plateau summit area. Adjacent to obelisk-shaped border marker, at end of trail from upper Paquisha military post, precisely at Ecuador-Peru border. Nearly level sandstone plateau with low scrub vegetation; charred stems and regrowth indicate that area was burned about 15 years previously., 2420m
121735 Benjamin Øllgaard 90668 1989-02-25
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Road Loja-Catamayo, in the Catamayo valley., -3.95 -79.3, 2000m
221936 David A. Neill 16114 2008-03-15
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Centinela del Cóndor, Cordillera del Cóndor. Machinaza plateau summit area. Adjacent to obelisk-shaped border marker, at end of trail from upper Paquisha military post, precisely at Ecuador-Peru border. Nearly level sandstone plateau with low scrub vegetation; charred stems and regrowth indicate that area was burned about 15 years previously., 2420m
222855 David A. Neill 16105 2008-03-15
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Yantzaza, Cordillera del Cóndor. Machinaza plateau; headwaters of Río Machinaza, above upper Paquisha military post. Sandstone plateau with low dense scrub and emergent trees to 6 m tall., 2320m
221941 David A. Neill 16121 2008-03-15
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Centinela del Cóndor, Cordillera del Cóndor. Machinaza plateau summit area, at end of trail from upper Paquisha military post, precisely at Ecuador-Peru obelisk border marker. Nearly level sandstone plateau with low scrub vegetation; burned previously., 2420m
213480 David A. Neill 15835 2007-09-18
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera del Cóndor region. West side of upper Río Nangaritza, along road about 13 km south of Guayzimi. Silica mine "La Daniela". Dense wet primary forest on sloping Hollín sandstone plateau, being mined for silica sand for glass manufacture., -4.1433 -78.6456, 970m
213073 David A. Neill 15903 2007-09-20
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui, Cordillera del Cóndor region. Upper Río Wawaime watershed, tributary of Río Quimi. Near site of proposed EcuaCorriente copper mine. Dense, wet cloud forest on steep slopes on substrate of mixed sandstone and clay soil. Dwarf forest on exposed ridges with higher quartzite sand content., -3.5786 -78.4353, 1320m
193716 David A. Neill 14650 2005-09-18
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera del Cóndor. Centro Shuar Kuankus. Summit of Cerro Chuank Naint ("Vulture Mountain" in Shuar), a sandstone massif. Low, dense forest and scrub at eastern edge of sandstone escarpment., -3.06 -78.2403, 1270m
193856 David A. Neill 14933 2005-11-25
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera del Cóndor region, upper Río Nangaritza valley. Along road 14.5 km south of Guayzimi, above west bank of Río Nangaritza. Sandstone slope with relatively low forest; canopy 20 m. Forest being cleared for mining of silica sand for glass manufacture., -4.0408 -78.6456, 930m
149299 David A. Neill 12017 1999-11-13
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Base of Cerro Hermoso on western side, near lake. Metamorphic rock substrate. Páramo and shrubby thickets., 3850m
222821 David A. Neill 16155 2008-03-15
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Centinela del Cóndor, Cordillera del Cóndor. Machinaza plateau summit area. Adjacent to obelisk-shaped border marker, at end of trail from upper Paquisha military post, precisely at Ecuador-Peru border. Nearly level sandstone plateau with low scrub vegetation; charred stems and regrowth indicate that area was burned about 15 years previously., 2420m
222819 David A. Neill 16149 2008-03-15
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Centinela del Cóndor, Cordillera del Cóndor. Machinaza plateau summit area. Adjacent to obelisk-shaped border marker, at end of trail from upper Paquisha military post, precisely at Ecuador-Peru border. Nearly level sandstone plateau with low scrub vegetation; charred stems and regrowth indicate that area was burned about 15 years previously., 2420m
151171 Benjamin Øllgaard 98269 1990-11-18
Ecuador, Pichincha, Guagua Pichincha, around Refugio above Lloa. Superpáramo., -0.1833 -78.55, 4500 - 4400m
149279 David A. Neill 12074 1999-11-14
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Southwest flank of Cerro Hermoso, above lake. Gynoxys woodland and wet seep on steep slope of metamorphic rock., 3950m
162474 David A. Neill 13847 2002-02-21
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera de Nanguipa. Cerro Colorado. About 8 km by air SSE of Nambija, 20 km ESE of Zamora. Montane cloud forest. Quartz rock substrate., -4.1194 -78.7778, 2600m
125247 David A. Neill 11694 1998-12-18
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Hacienda Don Juan, 10 km northeast of Jama, slopes north of Río Don Juan. Tropical moist forest along ridge, with frequent fogs and high humidity., -0.15 -80.1833, 400m
30714 David A. Neill 8450 1988-05-22
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, 20 km al este (arriba) de Pilaló, en la carretera Latacunga-Quevedo. En el ecotono entre páramo y bosque montano; vegetación arbustiva., -0.9167 -78.8333, 3300m
79855 David A. Neill 10250 1993-10-10
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Páramo de El Angel, 10 km northwest of El Angel. Páramo dominated by Espeletia pycnophylla, with patches of shrubby vegetation. Frequently burned., 0.66666 -77.83333, 3400m
149277 David A. Neill 12072 1999-11-14
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Southwest flank of Cerro Hermoso, above lake. Gynoxys woodland and wet seep on steep slope of metamorphic rock., 3950m
149396 David A. Neill 11976 1999-11-12
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. West of Cerro Hermoso, near saddle between headwaters of Río Verde and Río Topo. Slopes on metamorphic rock with bunchgrass and dwarf bamboo (Neurolepis aristata)., 3950m
125034 David A. Neill 11496 1998-11-28
Ecuador, Napo, Quijos, Reserva Ecológica Antisana. Southwest slopes of Volcán Antisana, just 100 m below glacier. Super-paramo, sandy soil and rocks, upper limit of vascular plant growth., -0.49111 -78.15944, 4700m
140360 David A. Neill 11887 1999-08-26
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Slope above south shore of Pisayambo reservoir, near road. Disturbed páramo., 3650m
129409 John Littner Clark 4655 1998-03-16
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quinindé, Reserva Ecológica Mache-Chindul. Comunidad Caña Braval. Cabaceras del Río Viche, estero Sabaleta. Tropical Wet Forest., 0.4167 -79.75, 250m
47975 Benjamin Øllgaard 98887 1991-04-28
Ecuador, Pichincha, Road Nono-Nanegalito, km 13-15. Moist road banks in montane forest., -0.0167 -78.65, 2300 - 2100m
55313 David A. Neill 9866 1991-04-25
Ecuador, Imbabura, Otavalo, 10 km W of Otavalo. Slopes below antenna on Cerro Blanco, off road to San José de Minas. Primary cloud forest and secondary vegetation in pastures. Montane Moist Forest., 0.2 -78.33333, 3300m
149289 David A. Neill 12056 1999-11-13
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Base of Cerro Hermoso on western side, near lake. Metamorphic rock substrate. Páramo and shrubby thickets., 3850m
20749 David A. Neill 9154 1989-12-12
Ecuador, Napo, Cantón Archidona. North bank Río Suno, 15 km NW of Loreto, 8 km W of El Progreso. Tropical Wet Forest. Alluvial terraces and bluffs above river. Diturbed forest., -0.6 -77.38333, 600m
125388 David A. Neill 11015 1997-12-15
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Site of ARCO Central Processing facility, 33 km east of Puyo. Colonia Bolívar. Premontane wet forest. Primary forest remnants., -1.3833 -77.75, 1000m
157734 David A. Neill 13130 2001-03-22
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera de Huaracayo, east of Cordillera del Cóndor and Río Coangos. Cerro Ijiach Naint, flat-topped sandstone mountain, east of Shuar village of Tinkimints. Forested slopes and stream valley, near waterfall below vertical cliffs., -3.2619 -78.1783, 1750m
125013 David A. Neill 11621 1998-12-17
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Cerro del Matal, 3 km northwest of Jama, 1 km inland from seashore. Tropical dry forest with Ceiba trichistandra., -0.1833 -80.3, 100m
109502 David A. Neill 10674 1996-08-12
Ecuador, Guayas, Guayaquil, Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco. Forest near summit, west of Cusumbo Top. Tropical Dry Forest, transition to moist forest., -2.15 -80.0167, 350m
193637 David A. Neill 14607 2005-09-17
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Limón Indanza, Cordillera del Cóndor. Centro Shuar Yunkumas. Cerro Chuank Naint ("Vulture Mountain" in Shuar). Sandstone plateau, 1000-1200 m elevation, with dense wet forest. Collections made near 1-ha forest inventory plot., -3.0594 -78.2458, 1150m
203388 David A. Neill 15125 2006-04-04
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui, Cordillera del Cóndor, western slopes. Upper Río Wawaime watershed; tributary of Río Quimi. Ridge above proposed EcuaCorriente copper mine site. Below sandstone plateau; fragments of sandstone eroded from above as soil source. Dwarf, dense forest with canopy mostly 5-15 m tall., -3.5789 -78.4353, 1320m
46665 Benjamin Øllgaard 90764 1989-03-02
Ecuador, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Crest of the Cordillera de los Andes E and SE of Nudo de Cajanuma, along trail from 'Centro de Informacion' toward Lagunas del Compadre., 3250 - 3350m
212492 David A. Neill 15662 2007-06-24
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Taisha, Centro Shuar Wisui. Summit area of Cerro Wisui, east of Río Macuma, the northeasternmost summit of the Cordillera de Cutucú. Crystalline sandstone substrate, Hollín formation. Low, dense forest on sandstone. With Shuar dendrology course students., -2.0903 -77.7658, 1360m
212500 David A. Neill 15665 2007-06-24
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Taisha, Centro Shuar Wisui. Summit area of Cerro Wisui, east of Río Macuma, the northeasternmost summit of the Cordillera de Cutucú. Crystalline sandstone substrate, Hollín formation. Low, dense forest on sandstone. With Shuar dendrology course students., -2.0903 -77.7658, 1360m
29436 David A. Neill 5834 1985-02-27
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, 2 km northeast of Mera. Premontane Rain Forest., -1.45 -78.1, 1100m
20683 David A. Neill 9165 1989-12-13
Ecuador, Napo, Cantón Archidona. South slopes of Volcán Sumaco. 4 km north of Huahua Sumaco community. Primary forest, near Río Huataraco. Premontane Rain Forest. Volcanic soils; hilly terrain., -0.7167 -77.5333, 1000m
213462 David A. Neill 15872 2007-09-20
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui, Cordillera del Cóndor region. Upper Río Wawaime watershed, tributary of Río Quimi. Near site of proposed EcuaCorriente copper mine. Dense, wet cloud forest on steep slopes on substrate of mixed sandstone and clay soil. Dwarf forest on exposed ridges with higher quartzite sand content., -3.5786 -78.4353, 1320m
213482 David A. Neill 15838 2007-09-18
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Cordillera del Cóndor region. West side of upper Río Nangaritza, along road about 13 km south of Guayzimi. Silica mine "La Daniela". Dense wet primary forest on sloping Hollín sandstone plateau, being mined for silica sand for glass manufacture., -4.1433 -78.6456, 970m
193422 David A. Neill 14418 2003-09-06
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, El Pangui, Cordillera del Cóndor. Ridge crest, on sandstone substrate, 2 km north of Cóndor Mirador military post. Low forest or dense shrubby vegetation., -3.6281 -78.395, 1975m
221942 David A. Neill 16120 2008-03-15
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Centinela del Cóndor, Cordillera del Cóndor. Machinaza plateau summit area. Adjacent to obelisk-shaped border marker, at end of trail from upper Paquisha military post, precisely at Ecuador-Peru border. Nearly level sandstone plateau with low scrub vegetation; charred stems and regrowth indicate that area was burned about 15 years previously., 2420m
124964 David A. Neill 11507 1998-12-15
Ecuador, Manabí, Pedernales, Camarones, 30 km south of Pedernales on coastal highway. Tropical moist forest. Primary forest on hills, 2 km from the seashore., -0.06666 -80.16666, 100m
140199 David A. Neill 11921 1999-08-27
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Along road east of Salcedo. Upper valley of Río Anatenorío. Site "Siete Vueltas". Disturbed upper montane forest, transition to páramo., -0.9825 -78.3525, 3580m
121384 Benjamin Øllgaard 100807 1993-03-24
Ecuador, Manabí, Cord. de Chongón, Parque Nacional Machalilla. S of San Sebastian, C. Josse ha plot. Tall cloud forest, -1.5833 -80.6833, 500 - 600m
149353 David A. Neill 11969 1999-11-12
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. West of Cerro Hermoso, near saddle between headwaters of Río Verde and Río Topo. Slopes on metamorphic rock with bunchgrass and dwarf bamboo (Neurolepis aristata)., 3950m
149392 David A. Neill 11973 1999-11-12
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. West of Cerro Hermoso, near saddle between headwaters of Río Verde and Río Topo. Slopes on metamorphic rock with bunchgrass and dwarf bamboo (Neurolepis aristata)., 3950m
79856 David A. Neill 10251 1993-10-10
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Páramo de El Angel, 10 km northwest of El Angel. Páramo dominated by Espeletia pycnophylla, with patches of shrubby vegetation. Frequently burned., 0.66666 -77.83333, 3400m
140200 David A. Neill 11920 1999-08-27
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Along road east of Salcedo. Upper valley of Río Anatenorío. Site "Siete Vueltas". Disturbed upper montane forest, transition to páramo., -0.9825 -78.3525, 3580m
140361 David A. Neill 11888 1999-08-26
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Slope above south shore of Pisayambo reservoir, near road. Disturbed páramo., 3650m
149291 David A. Neill 12054 1999-11-13
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Base of Cerro Hermoso on western side, near lake. Metamorphic rock substrate. Páramo and shrubby thickets., 3850m
149391 David A. Neill 11972 1999-11-12
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. West of Cerro Hermoso, near saddle between headwaters of Río Verde and Río Topo. Slopes on metamorphic rock with bunchgrass and dwarf bamboo (Neurolepis aristata)., 3950m
149314 David A. Neill 12014 1999-11-13
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Base of Cerro Hermoso on western side, near lake. Metamorphic rock substrate. Páramo and shrubby thickets., 3850m
149308 David A. Neill 12053 1999-11-13
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Base of Cerro Hermoso on western side, near lake. Metamorphic rock substrate. Páramo and shrubby thickets., 3850m
125140 David A. Neill 11568 1998-12-16
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Cordillera de Jama (coastal range). Cerro Nueve, 15 km east of Jama, north of Río Jama. Remnant wet forest with frequent fog, below microwave tower., -0.2667 -80.2, 600m
199330 Benjamin Øllgaard 58397 1985-02-28
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. The pass on road Yangana Valladolid, (Nudo de Sabanilla). Montane forest and treeless vegetation on mountain ridge., -4.45 -79.133333, 2750 - 2900m
145615 David A. Neill 10246 1993-10-10
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Páramo de El Angel, 10 km northwest of El Angel. Páramo dominated by Espeletia pycnophylla with patches of shrubby vegetation. Frequently burned., 0.66666 -77.83333, 3400m
29451 Neill, David A. 5990 1985-03-05
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, Hacienda San Antonio de Baron von Humboldt, 2 km al Ne de Mera., -1.45 -78.1, 1100m
149297 David A. Neill 12015 1999-11-13
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Santiago de Píllaro, Parque Nacional Llanganates. Base of Cerro Hermoso on western side, near lake. Metamorphic rock substrate. Páramo and shrubby thickets., 3850m