Search Criteria: Ecuador; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1613, records 161201-161300 of 206679

Herbario Nacional del Ecuador (QCNE)

118989Gwilym Peter Lewis   33561997-06-18
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional de Podocarpus, Cajanuma, Mirador trail. Vegetation: bosque nublado. 79º10'630'W; 4º06'725"S., -4.112083 -79.177167, 2875m

121826David A. Neill   108511997-08-31
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Villano. Near village of Villano, alluvial terrace near river. Tropical moist forest. Secondary vegetation., 350m

119012Gwilym Peter Lewis   33291997-05-21
Ecuador, Loja, Old road Catamayo (La Toma) - Loja, km 7, c. 18 km from Catamayo., -4 -79.2667, 2600m

119043Gwilym Peter Lewis   34231997-08-09
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Loja-Zamora, km24.5. Vegetation: bosque húmedo and secondary roadside scrub., -3.95 -79.05, 1000 - 2100m

120399Gwilym Peter Lewis   25990000-00-00
Ecuador, Loja, Route Saraguro-Manu, dirt road to río Negro, 3 km from Bellavista, 6 km from Manu., -3.5167 -79.4, 2800 - 2950m

Gynoxys buxifolia Kunth) Cass.
120319Gwilym Peter Lewis   35441997-09-16
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Saraguro, just N of San Lucas, track to Fierro Urco, Km 11.7 along track. Vegetation: Polyepis forest in small valley, surrounded by much-burned grass paramo., 3550m

Gynoxys buxifolia var. brevifolia Hieron.
118444Gwilym Peter Lewis   24711996-08-15
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Road Loja to Cuenca, 17 km N of Saraguro. Vegetation: bosque andino remnants and secondary roadside scrub., 2840 - 2940m

120370Gwilym Peter Lewis   25360000-00-00
Ecuador, Loja, Track from Universidad Nacional de Loja to Uritusinga, km 17. Vegetation: bosque húmedo premontano., -4.0333 -79.2, 2590m

120229Gwilym Peter Lewis   27980000-00-00
Ecuador, Loja, Road Loja-Saraguro km 52, track to Fierro Urco, km 10, left hand fork on track., -3.7 -79.3, 3600m

Pentacalia dorrii H. Rob. & Cuatrec.
120324Gwilym Peter Lewis   35571997-09-16
Ecuador, Loja, Loja to Saraguro, just N of San Lucas, track to Fierro Urco,km 7 along track. Vegetation: bosque húmedo montano, secondary scrub and cultivation. 71"W 86" S., -3.7 -79.3167, 3250m

120413Gwilym Peter Lewis   25081996-08-16
Ecuador, Loja, 97 km S of centre of Cuenca on road to Loja, 1 km S of Azuay/Loja border. Dry roadside embankment, 1950 - 2050m

120038Gwilym Peter Lewis   28531996-11-21
Ecuador, Loja, Dirt road Manu- Saraguro, km 4, dirt track to param, km 4.2. Bosque húmedo andino with large boudlers and streamlets, and surrounding pastureland., -3.5333 -79.4, 3050m

4187David A. Neill   64721985-05-25
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m

Delostoma D. Don
120019Gwilym Peter Lewis   28471996-11-20
Ecuador, El Oro, Chilla, Track from Chilla to the Antennas. Vegatation: bosque húmedo andino with open rocky area and some clearance for pasture. Tree, 5-6 m x 45-50 cm diam; leaves semi-coriacous, -3.4667 -79.6, 2750m

Matisia Bonpl.
120169Gwilym Peter Lewis   29131009-12-02
Ecuador, El Oro, Santa Rosa, Balsas, 9 km NW of Balsas, 11 km SE of Saracay., -3.714167 -79.819167, 700m

120411Gwilym Peter Lewis   25211996-08-24
Ecuador, El Oro, Areanillas, Bosque Petrificado de Puyango. Bosque seco and scrub on dry, stony hillock, 1 km from field station. On rocky slopes., -3.9 -80.083333, 400m

Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb.
119026Gwilym Peter Lewis   34221997-08-09
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Vegetation: bosque húmedo and secondary roadside scrub. "Balsa", -4.05 -79, 1600m

119697Gwilym Peter Lewis   35121997-08-22
Ecuador, Loja, Loja; track from Universidad Nacional to Uritusinga, km 15.5., -4 -79.2, 2800m

Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & J.R. Drumm.
120380Gwilym Peter Lewis   26061996-10-03
Ecuador, Loja, 4 km along dirt road from Udushi to Manú., -3.4667 -79.4167, 2070m

119018Gwilym Peter Lewis   34341997-08-13
Ecuador, Azuay, Azuay. 21 km SE of Troncal, track from Zuchay Real, 2.5 to 3.5 km above Manta Real., 450m

Varronia P. Browne
119935Gwilym Peter Lewis   29501997-01-22
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Loja-Zamora, km 8. Bosque húmedo andino on steep slope, with surrounding pastureland., -3.9667 -79.15, 2500m

119498Gwilym Peter Lewis   26711996-10-05
Ecuador, El Oro, Chilla, Chilla-Pasaje, km 23., -3.383333 -79.583333, 900m

120258Gwilym Peter Lewis   28271996-11-19
Ecuador, El Oro, Santa Rosa, Road Piñas-Santa Rosa, track to Zambotambo, km 6. Vegetation; much disturbed bosque húmedo low montane foerst., -3.616667 -79.8, 1200m

43813Paul M. Ramsay   9251987-10-21
Ecuador, Carchi, Southern slopes of Volcan Chiles, 0.814447 -77.937806, 3900m

118963Gwilym Peter Lewis   33821997-07-29
Ecuador, El Oro, Arenillas, Bosque Petrificado de Puyango., -3.875 -80.083611, 425m

118150Gwilym Peter Lewis   37541998-01-12
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, 3 km along track via Hosteria "Bella Vista", secondary track to the right, km 1.2., -3.95 -79.35, 1500m

119424Gwilym Peter Lewis   26311996-10-03
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro-Manu, dirt road to río Negro, km 4 from Bellavista. Vegetation: bosque húmedo., -3.5167 -79.4, 3070m

118943Gwilym Peter Lewis   31331997-03-29
Ecuador, Loja, 8.5 km N of San Lucas, track to Fierro Urco, km 10.5. Vegetation: grass tussock paramo on 30 cm deep black humic soil. Locally frequent especially on rubble piles by trackside., -3.7144 -79.3286, 3550m

Polylepis loxensis T. Boza, Romol. & M. Kessler
118154Gwilym Peter Lewis   38041998-01-15
Ecuador, Loja, Road Loja-Saraguro, 8.5 km N of San Lucas, track to Fierro Urco, km 11. Vegetation: tussock grass paramo on 30-40 cm deep black humic soil, with Polylepis forest in small declivity., -3.7239 -79.3167, 3550m

119534Gwilym Peter Lewis   23671996-06-04
Ecuador, Loja, Track from Loja to Uritusinga, starting from Universidad Nacional de Loja. Bosqe andino, rich in Compositae., -4.0833 -79.2333, 2715m

118427Gwilym Peter Lewis   24231996-07-10
Ecuador, Loja, Track from Universidad Nacional de Loja to Uritusinga, km 8. Bosque andino, roadside scrub and pastureland., -4.0333 -79.2167, 2700m

118898Gwilym Peter Lewis   31591997-04-17
Ecuador, Loja, Old road Loja-Catamayo (La Toma), km 11, turn off to S, km 0.5. Bosque húmedo remnants with pastureland and secondary scrub., -4.0167 -79.25, 2650m

Meliosma peytonii A.H. Gentry
120398Gwilym Peter Lewis   26021996-10-02
Ecuador, Loja, Route Saraguro-manu, dirt road to río Negro, 3 kmf romBellavista, 6 km fromManu. Vegetation; bosque húmedo, partly disturbed., -3.5167 -79.4, 2800 - 2950m

118147Gwilym Peter Lewis   37571998-01-12
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, 3 km along tracks via hosteria "Bella Vista:, secondary track to the right km 1.2. Vegetation: Semi deciduous cactus thorn scrub in ravine with Opuntia quitensis, Celtis and Cyathostegi matthewsii., -3.95 -79.35, 1500m

199929David A. Neill   151102006-01-06
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Reserva de Bosque Seco "Lalo Loor", 22 km south of Pedernales along coastal highway, 2 km inland from the sea. Low coastal hills, with transition from tropical moist forest to dry deciduous forest., -0.0786 -80.1519, 50m

Picrasma Blume
119685Gwilym Peter Lewis   34961997-08-19
Ecuador, Loja, Sozoranga; Reserva Natural El Tundo, propriedad de fundacion ARCOIRIS, km 6 along track from Sozoranga-Macará road. Vegetation: bosque húmedo premontano., -4.3167 -79.8167, 1800m

118285Gwilym Peter Lewis   21911996-03-31
Ecuador, Loja, New road Loja to Catamyao (La Toma), km 11, -4 -79.25, 2400 - 2500m

118903Gwilym Peter Lewis   31540197-04-06
Ecuador, Azuay, Cuenca to Loa, km 54 from junction Cuenca-Giron-Loja, 6 km N of Susudel., 2850m

118131Gwilym Peter Lewis   37761998-01-14
Ecuador, Loja, 1 km S of Yangana, track to Sierra Toledo, km 19.5., 3325m

120334Gwilym Peter Lewis   25751996-09-25
Ecuador, Bolívar, Province Bolivar/Chimborazo. Road Guaranda-ríobamba, km 20.5 Vegetation: grass paramo and cultivation, 3620m

120293Gwilym Peter Lewis   35731997-09-17
Ecuador, Loja, Road Yangana-Valladolid, km 21. Vegetation: Bosque húmedo montano, ericaceous scrub and secondary vegetation., -4.45 -79.1667, 2750m

120290Gwilym Peter Lewis   35891997-09-30
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Road Loja-Zamora, km 13., -3.9667 -79.1167, 2750m

118253Gwilym Peter Lewis   22221996-04-07
Ecuador, Azuay, Cuenca to Loja, km 30 from outskirts of Cuenca, km 14 from road junction Giron-Cuenca-Loja., -3.1333 -79.0333, 3100m

118913Gwilym Peter Lewis   31921997-04-22
Ecuador, Loja, Old road Loja-Catamayo (La Toma), km 10,9, turn off to left, km 0.5-0.9., -4.0167 -79.25, 2600m

118927Gwilym Peter Lewis   33861997-07-29
Ecuador, El Oro, Arenillas, Bosque Petrificado de Puyango. Vegetation: bosque seco., -3.875 -80.083611, 400m

17902David A. Neill   88171989-01-26
Ecuador, Pastaza, Via Auca, 115 km S of Coca, 10 km S of Napo-Pastaza border; near Río Tiguino. Tropical Moist Forest on low hills. Primary forest; trees felled for road construction. Entrance road to PETROCANADA oil well site., -1.25 -76.9167, 320m

Nectandra laurel Klotzsch ex Nees
120246Gwilym Peter Lewis   28111996-11-19
Ecuador, El Oro, Santa Rosa, Road Piñas - Santa Rosa, track to Zambotambo, km 4. Bosque húmedo and secondary scrub. Bosque margin., -3.616667 -79.8, 1170m

Ocotea brevipetiolata van der Werff
120209Gwilym Peter Lewis   27551996-10-28
Ecuador, Loja, Road Loja-Zamora, km 10. Bosque húmedo, secondary scrub and cultivation. In bosque understory., -3.9667 -79.1667, 2650 - 2650m

120059Gwilym Peter Lewis   29211997-01-15
Ecuador, Loja, Old road Loja-Catamayo (La Toma) km 10.5 - 11, turn off to left at Villanaco, 0.5 km along track. Bosque húmedo andino remnant, ericaceous scrub and cultivation. Locally frequent in ericaceous scrub., -4 -79.25, 2600m

Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze
98307Paul Lewis Lentz   21761985-05-01
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, One km. north of Guayllabambe near the intersection of several roads. Roadsides. About 15 km northeast of Quito along the road to Cayambe. Soil sandy with lots of fist size, smooth stones throughout., -0.0833 -78.3333

98314Paul Lewis Lentz   21801985-05-01
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, One km. north of Guayllabambe near the intersection of several roads. Roadsides. About 15 km northeast of Quito along the road to Cayambe. Soil sandy with lots of fist size, smooth stones throughout., -0.0833 -78.3333

11919Walter Hepworth Lewis   136741989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
104428Walter Hepworth Lewis   142971988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m

Adenostemma fosbergii R.M. King & H. Rob.
104385Lewis, Walter Hepworth   141731988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m

Adenostemma fosbergii R.M. King & H. Rob.
11942Lewis, Walter Hepworth   137031989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

104358Walter Hepworth Lewis   141311988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m

214966Carlos Eduardo Cerón Martínez   182551992-02-26
Ecuador, Guayas, Naranjal, Parroquia Taura. Reserva Ecológica Manglares - Churute. Informantes: R. Romero & B. Solorzano. Cerro Perequetre Chico. Bosque disturbado., -2.45 -79.6667, 160 - 300m

Himatanthus Willd. ex Schult.
43286David A. Neill   95071990-12-04
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Lower slopes of Cordillera del Cóndor, above Río Nangaritza at Pachicutza. Tropical Premontane Wet Forest. Primary forest., -4.1167 -78.6167, 950m

Baccharis pedunculata (Mill.) Cabrera
104354Walter Hepworth Lewis   141271988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m

11997Walter Hepworth Lewis   137891988-07-21
Ecuador, Pastaza, Captaine Chiriboga, río Pastaza. Vicinity of army base in secondary and primary forests., -2.5333 -76.8167, 235m

105503Walter Hepworth Lewis   141101988-07-31
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Junction of ríos Pastaza and Tuna Chiguasa by Puyo-Macas road. Cliffs and floodplain of río Pastaza., -1.8333 -77.9333, 800m

Erechtites hieraciifolius (L.) Raf. ex DC.
11570Walter Hepworth Lewis   135931989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Fleischmannia microstemon (Cass.) King & H. Rob.
11689Walter Hepworth Lewis   136611989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

11554Walter Hepworth Lewis   135941989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

104389Walter Hepworth Lewis   141811988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m

Mikania Willd.
104430Walter Hepworth Lewis   143021988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m

Pseudelephantopus spiralis (Less.) Cronquist
11703Walter Hepworth Lewis   137971988-07-21
Ecuador, Pastaza, Captaine Chiriboga, río Pastaza. Vicinity of army base in secondary and primary forests., -2.5333 -76.8167, 235m

11979Walter Hepworth Lewis   138911989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

29714David A. Neill   84811988-06-03
Ecuador, Napo, Estación Biológica Jatun Sacha. Río Napo, 8 km al E de Misahuallí. Bosque muy húmedo Tropical. Lomas de suelo rojo, Oxisol., -1.0667 -77.6, 450m

104393Walter Hepworth Lewis   141851988-08-02
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Km 30 south of Puyo, Puyo-Macas road. Secondary forest by road's edge., -1.7 -77.9333, 850m

104374Walter Hepworth Lewis   141501988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m

107183Walter Hepworth Lewis   140261989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Arrabidaea chica (Humb. & Bonpl.) Verl.
105569Walter Hepworth Lewis   140721989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Tanaecium affine L.G. Lohmann
11687Walter Hepworth Lewis   138571989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

11786Walter Hepworth Lewis   135461989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

11958Walter Hepworth Lewis   135401989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Mansoa standleyi A.H. Gentry
15490Walter Hepworth Lewis   139021989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

11901Walter Hepworth Lewis   136101989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

11682Walter Hepworth Lewis   135351989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

173601David A. Neill   80701987-12-11
Ecuador, Napo, Carretera Hollin-Loreto- Coca, km 40. Entre Río Guamaní y Río Pucuno. Subestrato volcánico basáltico. Bosque pluvial premontano, primarío., -0.6667 -77.6667, 1200m

11903Walter Hepworth Lewis   137351989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Cordia bifurcata Roem. & Schult.
11485Walter Hepworth Lewis   138011988-07-21
Ecuador, Pastaza, Captaine Chiriboga, río Pastaza. Vicinity of army base in secondary and primary forests., -2.5333 -76.8167, 235m

11578Walter Hepworth Lewis   136261989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

107156Walter Hepworth Lewis   140001989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Cordia ucayaliensis I.M. Johnst.
11541Walter Hepworth Lewis   135831989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Cordia ucayaliensis I.M. Johnst.
11910Walter Hepworth Lewis   136841989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

11796Walter Hepworth Lewis   136881989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Cayaponia Silva Manso
11538Walter Hepworth Lewis   135881989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

105477Walter Hepworth Lewis   140791989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

105572Walter Hepworth Lewis   140751989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Lacmellea H. Karst.
44602David A. Neill   95481990-12-06
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Lower slopes of Cordillera del Cóndor, above Pachicutza. Río Nangaritza valley. Premontane Wet Forest. Primary forest., -4.1167 -78.6333, 1000 - 1200m

105478Walter Hepworth Lewis   140811989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

11955Walter Hepworth Lewis   138331989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Paullinia tenuifolia Standl. ex J.F. Macbr.
11959Walter Hepworth Lewis   138591989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

105571Walter Hepworth Lewis   140741989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Lindernia crustacea (L.) F. Muell.
105498Walter Hepworth Lewis   141051988-07-31
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Junction of ríos Pastaza and Tuna Chiguasa by Puyo-Macas road. Cliffs and floodplain of río Pastaza., -1.8333 -77.9333, 800m

Lindernia diffusa (L.) Wettst.
105508Walter Hepworth Lewis   141151988-07-31
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Junction of ríos Pastaza and Tuna Chiguasa by Puyo-Macas road. Cliffs and floodplain of río Pastaza., -1.8333 -77.9333, 800m

15841Walter Hepworth Lewis   139111989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m

Mecardonia procumbens (Mill.) Small
104372Walter Hepworth Lewis   141481988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m

104434Walter Hepworth Lewis   143091988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m

Page 1613, records 161201-161300 of 206679

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