118989 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3356 1997-06-18
Ecuador, Loja, Parque Nacional de Podocarpus, Cajanuma, Mirador trail. Vegetation: bosque nublado. 79º10'630'W; 4º06'725"S., -4.112083 -79.177167, 2875m
121826 David A. Neill 10851 1997-08-31
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Villano. Near village of Villano, alluvial terrace near river. Tropical moist forest. Secondary vegetation., 350m
119012 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3329 1997-05-21
Ecuador, Loja, Old road Catamayo (La Toma) - Loja, km 7, c. 18 km from Catamayo., -4 -79.2667, 2600m
119043 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3423 1997-08-09
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Loja-Zamora, km24.5. Vegetation: bosque húmedo and secondary roadside scrub., -3.95 -79.05, 1000 - 2100m
120399 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2599 0000-00-00
Ecuador, Loja, Route Saraguro-Manu, dirt road to río Negro, 3 km from Bellavista, 6 km from Manu., -3.5167 -79.4, 2800 - 2950m
120319 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3544 1997-09-16
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Saraguro, just N of San Lucas, track to Fierro Urco, Km 11.7 along track. Vegetation: Polyepis forest in small valley, surrounded by much-burned grass paramo., 3550m
Gynoxys buxifolia var. brevifolia Hieron.
118444 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2471 1996-08-15
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Road Loja to Cuenca, 17 km N of Saraguro. Vegetation: bosque andino remnants and secondary roadside scrub., 2840 - 2940m
120370 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2536 0000-00-00
Ecuador, Loja, Track from Universidad Nacional de Loja to Uritusinga, km 17. Vegetation: bosque húmedo premontano., -4.0333 -79.2, 2590m
120229 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2798 0000-00-00
Ecuador, Loja, Road Loja-Saraguro km 52, track to Fierro Urco, km 10, left hand fork on track., -3.7 -79.3, 3600m
120324 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3557 1997-09-16
Ecuador, Loja, Loja to Saraguro, just N of San Lucas, track to Fierro Urco,km 7 along track. Vegetation: bosque húmedo montano, secondary scrub and cultivation. 71"W 86" S., -3.7 -79.3167, 3250m
120413 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2508 1996-08-16
Ecuador, Loja, 97 km S of centre of Cuenca on road to Loja, 1 km S of Azuay/Loja border. Dry roadside embankment, 1950 - 2050m
120038 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2853 1996-11-21
Ecuador, Loja, Dirt road Manu- Saraguro, km 4, dirt track to param, km 4.2. Bosque húmedo andino with large boudlers and streamlets, and surrounding pastureland., -3.5333 -79.4, 3050m
4187 David A. Neill 6472 1985-05-25
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station., -1.0667 -77.6, 400m
120019 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2847 1996-11-20
Ecuador, El Oro, Chilla, Track from Chilla to the Antennas. Vegatation: bosque húmedo andino with open rocky area and some clearance for pasture. Tree, 5-6 m x 45-50 cm diam; leaves semi-coriacous, -3.4667 -79.6, 2750m
120169 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2913 1009-12-02
Ecuador, El Oro, Santa Rosa, Balsas, 9 km NW of Balsas, 11 km SE of Saracay., -3.714167 -79.819167, 700m
120411 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2521 1996-08-24
Ecuador, El Oro, Areanillas, Bosque Petrificado de Puyango. Bosque seco and scrub on dry, stony hillock, 1 km from field station. On rocky slopes., -3.9 -80.083333, 400m
119026 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3422 1997-08-09
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora, Vegetation: bosque húmedo and secondary roadside scrub. "Balsa", -4.05 -79, 1600m
119697 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3512 1997-08-22
Ecuador, Loja, Loja; track from Universidad Nacional to Uritusinga, km 15.5., -4 -79.2, 2800m
120380 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2606 1996-10-03
Ecuador, Loja, 4 km along dirt road from Udushi to Manú., -3.4667 -79.4167, 2070m
119018 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3434 1997-08-13
Ecuador, Azuay, Azuay. 21 km SE of Troncal, track from Zuchay Real, 2.5 to 3.5 km above Manta Real., 450m
119935 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2950 1997-01-22
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Loja-Zamora, km 8. Bosque húmedo andino on steep slope, with surrounding pastureland., -3.9667 -79.15, 2500m
119498 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2671 1996-10-05
Ecuador, El Oro, Chilla, Chilla-Pasaje, km 23., -3.383333 -79.583333, 900m
120258 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2827 1996-11-19
Ecuador, El Oro, Santa Rosa, Road Piñas-Santa Rosa, track to Zambotambo, km 6. Vegetation; much disturbed bosque húmedo low montane foerst., -3.616667 -79.8, 1200m
43813 Paul M. Ramsay 925 1987-10-21
Ecuador, Carchi, Southern slopes of Volcan Chiles, 0.814447 -77.937806, 3900m
118963 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3382 1997-07-29
Ecuador, El Oro, Arenillas, Bosque Petrificado de Puyango., -3.875 -80.083611, 425m
118150 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3754 1998-01-12
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, 3 km along track via Hosteria "Bella Vista", secondary track to the right, km 1.2., -3.95 -79.35, 1500m
119424 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2631 1996-10-03
Ecuador, Loja, Saraguro-Manu, dirt road to río Negro, km 4 from Bellavista. Vegetation: bosque húmedo., -3.5167 -79.4, 3070m
118943 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3133 1997-03-29
Ecuador, Loja, 8.5 km N of San Lucas, track to Fierro Urco, km 10.5. Vegetation: grass tussock paramo on 30 cm deep black humic soil. Locally frequent especially on rubble piles by trackside., -3.7144 -79.3286, 3550m
118154 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3804 1998-01-15
Ecuador, Loja, Road Loja-Saraguro, 8.5 km N of San Lucas, track to Fierro Urco, km 11. Vegetation: tussock grass paramo on 30-40 cm deep black humic soil, with Polylepis forest in small declivity., -3.7239 -79.3167, 3550m
119534 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2367 1996-06-04
Ecuador, Loja, Track from Loja to Uritusinga, starting from Universidad Nacional de Loja. Bosqe andino, rich in Compositae., -4.0833 -79.2333, 2715m
118427 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2423 1996-07-10
Ecuador, Loja, Track from Universidad Nacional de Loja to Uritusinga, km 8. Bosque andino, roadside scrub and pastureland., -4.0333 -79.2167, 2700m
118898 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3159 1997-04-17
Ecuador, Loja, Old road Loja-Catamayo (La Toma), km 11, turn off to S, km 0.5. Bosque húmedo remnants with pastureland and secondary scrub., -4.0167 -79.25, 2650m
120398 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2602 1996-10-02
Ecuador, Loja, Route Saraguro-manu, dirt road to río Negro, 3 kmf romBellavista, 6 km fromManu. Vegetation; bosque húmedo, partly disturbed., -3.5167 -79.4, 2800 - 2950m
118147 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3757 1998-01-12
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, 3 km along tracks via hosteria "Bella Vista:, secondary track to the right km 1.2. Vegetation: Semi deciduous cactus thorn scrub in ravine with Opuntia quitensis, Celtis and Cyathostegi matthewsii., -3.95 -79.35, 1500m
199929 David A. Neill 15110 2006-01-06
Ecuador, Manabí, Jama, Reserva de Bosque Seco "Lalo Loor", 22 km south of Pedernales along coastal highway, 2 km inland from the sea. Low coastal hills, with transition from tropical moist forest to dry deciduous forest., -0.0786 -80.1519, 50m
119685 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3496 1997-08-19
Ecuador, Loja, Sozoranga; Reserva Natural El Tundo, propriedad de fundacion ARCOIRIS, km 6 along track from Sozoranga-Macará road. Vegetation: bosque húmedo premontano., -4.3167 -79.8167, 1800m
118285 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2191 1996-03-31
Ecuador, Loja, New road Loja to Catamyao (La Toma), km 11, -4 -79.25, 2400 - 2500m
118903 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3154 0197-04-06
Ecuador, Azuay, Cuenca to Loa, km 54 from junction Cuenca-Giron-Loja, 6 km N of Susudel., 2850m
118131 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3776 1998-01-14
Ecuador, Loja, 1 km S of Yangana, track to Sierra Toledo, km 19.5., 3325m
120334 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2575 1996-09-25
Ecuador, Bolívar, Province Bolivar/Chimborazo. Road Guaranda-ríobamba, km 20.5 Vegetation: grass paramo and cultivation, 3620m
120293 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3573 1997-09-17
Ecuador, Loja, Road Yangana-Valladolid, km 21. Vegetation: Bosque húmedo montano, ericaceous scrub and secondary vegetation., -4.45 -79.1667, 2750m
120290 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3589 1997-09-30
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Road Loja-Zamora, km 13., -3.9667 -79.1167, 2750m
118253 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2222 1996-04-07
Ecuador, Azuay, Cuenca to Loja, km 30 from outskirts of Cuenca, km 14 from road junction Giron-Cuenca-Loja., -3.1333 -79.0333, 3100m
118913 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3192 1997-04-22
Ecuador, Loja, Old road Loja-Catamayo (La Toma), km 10,9, turn off to left, km 0.5-0.9., -4.0167 -79.25, 2600m
118927 Gwilym Peter Lewis 3386 1997-07-29
Ecuador, El Oro, Arenillas, Bosque Petrificado de Puyango. Vegetation: bosque seco., -3.875 -80.083611, 400m
17902 David A. Neill 8817 1989-01-26
Ecuador, Pastaza, Via Auca, 115 km S of Coca, 10 km S of Napo-Pastaza border; near Río Tiguino. Tropical Moist Forest on low hills. Primary forest; trees felled for road construction. Entrance road to PETROCANADA oil well site., -1.25 -76.9167, 320m
120246 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2811 1996-11-19
Ecuador, El Oro, Santa Rosa, Road Piñas - Santa Rosa, track to Zambotambo, km 4. Bosque húmedo and secondary scrub. Bosque margin., -3.616667 -79.8, 1170m
120209 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2755 1996-10-28
Ecuador, Loja, Road Loja-Zamora, km 10. Bosque húmedo, secondary scrub and cultivation. In bosque understory., -3.9667 -79.1667, 2650 - 2650m
120059 Gwilym Peter Lewis 2921 1997-01-15
Ecuador, Loja, Old road Loja-Catamayo (La Toma) km 10.5 - 11, turn off to left at Villanaco, 0.5 km along track. Bosque húmedo andino remnant, ericaceous scrub and cultivation. Locally frequent in ericaceous scrub., -4 -79.25, 2600m
98307 Paul Lewis Lentz 2176 1985-05-01
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, One km. north of Guayllabambe near the intersection of several roads. Roadsides. About 15 km northeast of Quito along the road to Cayambe. Soil sandy with lots of fist size, smooth stones throughout., -0.0833 -78.3333
98314 Paul Lewis Lentz 2180 1985-05-01
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, One km. north of Guayllabambe near the intersection of several roads. Roadsides. About 15 km northeast of Quito along the road to Cayambe. Soil sandy with lots of fist size, smooth stones throughout., -0.0833 -78.3333
11919 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13674 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
104428 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14297 1988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m
104385 Lewis, Walter Hepworth 14173 1988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m
11942 Lewis, Walter Hepworth 13703 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
104358 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14131 1988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m
214966 Carlos Eduardo Cerón Martínez 18255 1992-02-26
Ecuador, Guayas, Naranjal, Parroquia Taura. Reserva Ecológica Manglares - Churute. Informantes: R. Romero & B. Solorzano. Cerro Perequetre Chico. Bosque disturbado., -2.45 -79.6667, 160 - 300m
43286 David A. Neill 9507 1990-12-04
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Lower slopes of Cordillera del Cóndor, above Río Nangaritza at Pachicutza. Tropical Premontane Wet Forest. Primary forest., -4.1167 -78.6167, 950m
104354 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14127 1988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m
11997 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13789 1988-07-21
Ecuador, Pastaza, Captaine Chiriboga, río Pastaza. Vicinity of army base in secondary and primary forests., -2.5333 -76.8167, 235m
105503 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14110 1988-07-31
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Junction of ríos Pastaza and Tuna Chiguasa by Puyo-Macas road. Cliffs and floodplain of río Pastaza., -1.8333 -77.9333, 800m
11570 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13593 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11689 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13661 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11554 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13594 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
104389 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14181 1988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m
104430 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14302 1988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m
11703 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13797 1988-07-21
Ecuador, Pastaza, Captaine Chiriboga, río Pastaza. Vicinity of army base in secondary and primary forests., -2.5333 -76.8167, 235m
11979 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13891 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
29714 David A. Neill 8481 1988-06-03
Ecuador, Napo, Estación Biológica Jatun Sacha. Río Napo, 8 km al E de Misahuallí. Bosque muy húmedo Tropical. Lomas de suelo rojo, Oxisol., -1.0667 -77.6, 450m
104393 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14185 1988-08-02
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Km 30 south of Puyo, Puyo-Macas road. Secondary forest by road's edge., -1.7 -77.9333, 850m
104374 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14150 1988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m
107183 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14026 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
105569 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14072 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11687 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13857 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11786 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13546 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11958 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13540 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
15490 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13902 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11901 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13610 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11682 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13535 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
173601 David A. Neill 8070 1987-12-11
Ecuador, Napo, Carretera Hollin-Loreto- Coca, km 40. Entre Río Guamaní y Río Pucuno. Subestrato volcánico basáltico. Bosque pluvial premontano, primarío., -0.6667 -77.6667, 1200m
11903 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13735 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11485 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13801 1988-07-21
Ecuador, Pastaza, Captaine Chiriboga, río Pastaza. Vicinity of army base in secondary and primary forests., -2.5333 -76.8167, 235m
11578 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13626 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
107156 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14000 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11541 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13583 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11910 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13684 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11796 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13688 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11538 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13588 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
105477 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14079 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
105572 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14075 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
44602 David A. Neill 9548 1990-12-06
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Lower slopes of Cordillera del Cóndor, above Pachicutza. Río Nangaritza valley. Premontane Wet Forest. Primary forest., -4.1167 -78.6333, 1000 - 1200m
105478 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14081 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11955 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13833 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
11959 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13859 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
105571 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14074 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
105498 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14105 1988-07-31
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Junction of ríos Pastaza and Tuna Chiguasa by Puyo-Macas road. Cliffs and floodplain of río Pastaza., -1.8333 -77.9333, 800m
105508 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14115 1988-07-31
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Junction of ríos Pastaza and Tuna Chiguasa by Puyo-Macas road. Cliffs and floodplain of río Pastaza., -1.8333 -77.9333, 800m
15841 Walter Hepworth Lewis 13911 1989-07-25
Ecuador, Pastaza, Kapawí (Amuntai), río Pastaza. Village area, secondary and primary forests, and pastures., -2.5167 -76.8, 235m
104372 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14148 1988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m
104434 Walter Hepworth Lewis 14309 1988-08-01
Ecuador, Pastaza, Tsurakú (Pitirishca), km 51 south on road from Puyo to Macas. Vicinity of village, including pastures and mostly disturbed and secondary forests., -1.85 -77.8, 800m