Search Criteria: Ecuador; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1571, records 157001-157100 of 206679

Herbario Nacional del Ecuador (QCNE)

213393Thomas Bernard Croat   950162004-02-19
Ecuador, Carchi, Paramo del Angel, along road from El Chical to Tulcán, 68.1 km E of El Chical, 13.6 km W of Tufiño plaza., 0.8022 -77.9292, 3200m

213788Thomas Bernard Croat   950712005-02-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Along road from Mira to El Angel, 1.5 km NE of San Isidro., 0.5978 -77.9753, 3038m

213789Thomas Bernard Croat   950722005-02-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Along road from Mira to El Angel, 1.5 km NE of San Isidro., 0.5978 -77.9753, 3038m

Espeletia Mutis ex Bonpl.
213628Thomas Bernard Croat   946912005-02-16
Ecuador, Carchi, Along road between Tulcán and Maldonado 3.7 km W of Tufiño., 0.7955 -77.8756, 3458m

191594Thomas Bernard Croat   898782003-05-31
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from Zamora to Loja, 58.6 Km E of summit and border of Loja Province., 2100m

190831Thomas Bernard Croat   898172003-05-31
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from Zamora to Loja, 81.3 Km E of summit of divide and border with Loja Province., -4.1339 -78.9419, 1341m

Lythraceae J. St.-Hil.
171773Jens Elgaard Madsen   72002000-09-03
Ecuador, Loja, Paltas, Rd. La Toma - Catacocha, ca. km 26. Matorral vegetation and ravine with disturbed remnants of montane forest., -3.977778 -79.481389, 2300m

183664Thomas Bernard Croat   881802003-04-28
Ecuador, Imbabura, Along road between Cotacachi and Apuela, 26.2 W of Quiroga, 30.3 Km E of Apuela., 0.3392 -78.41, 3101m

184662Thomas Bernard Croat   890472003-05-19
Ecuador, Cañar, Along road between Zhud and Azojes, 2.5 Km S of Zhud, 23.5 Km N of Cañar; 60.8 Km NW of Azojes., -2.5236 -79.0503, 3000m

184659Thomas Bernard Croat   890442003-05-19
Ecuador, Cañar, Along road between Zhud and Azojes, 2.5 Km S of Zhud, 23.5 Km N of Cañar; 60.8 Km NW of Azojes., -2.5236 -79.0503, 3000m

184656Thomas Bernard Croat   890412003-05-19
Ecuador, Cañar, Along road between Zhud and Azojes, 2.5 Km S of Zhud, 23.5 Km N of Cañar; 60.8 Km NW of Azojes., -2.5236 -79.0503, 3000m

211109Thomas Bernard Croat   934892004-08-18
Ecuador, Napo, Along road from Baeza to Lago Agrío., -0.3825 -77.8186, 1600m

197859Thomas Bernard Croat   918532004-07-22
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from Zamora to Janiero vicinity of municipal garbage dump, along Quebrada Janiero, 1.3 km NW of Bridge over Quebrada Janiero., -4.0481 -78.9642, 1009m

197860Thomas Bernard Croat   918542004-07-22
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from Zamora to Janiero vicinity of municipal garbage dump, along Quebrada Janiero, 1.3 km NW of Bridge over Quebrada Janiero., -4.0481 -78.9642, 1009m

155758Thomas Bernard Croat   827251998-07-20
Ecuador, Pichincha, Road from Calacalí to Tandayapa, at Km 22 (west of junction into town of Calacalí)., 0.0175 -78.6069, 1000m

176437Thomas Bernard Croat   863472002-08-10
Ecuador, Azuay, Along road between Gualaceo and Limón (Gen. Plaza Guttiérrez), 12.6 Km east of Gualaceo (last bridge at south end of town)., -2.9361 -78.7117, 2943m

191203Thomas Bernard Croat   896932003-05-29
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Zamora and Parque Nacional Podocarpus, ca. 1 Km SW of Zamora., -4.0783 -78.9506, 731m

37630Jens Elgaard Madsen   855991989-01-21
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Road Loja - La Toma, km 12., -3.9833 -79.3167, 1950 - 2000m

Gamochaeta simplicicaulis (Willd. ex Spreng.) Cabrera
191135Thomas Bernard Croat   896172003-05-28
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from Namirez (22.3 Km S of Yanzaza) to Nambija, 8.1 Km S of San Carlos., -4.0603 -78.7903, 1524m

187054Thomas Bernard Croat   891662003-05-22
Ecuador, Azuay, Along road from Gualaceo to Limón, 17.0 Km from E of Gualaceo, 10.9 Km W of border with Morona-Santiago Province, 86.6 Km W of jct. to Indanza., -2.9572 -78.7056, 2895m

Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
184506Thomas Bernard Croat   889522003-05-19
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Along road between Guamote and Cuenca, 87 Km from Guamote, 10.8 Km N of Sagüine, 20.6 Km NNE of border with Cañar Province., 2148m

Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl
184507Thomas Bernard Croat   889532003-05-19
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Along road between Guamote and Cuenca, 87 Km from Guamote, 10.8 Km N of Sagüine, 20.6 Km NNE of border with Cañar Province., 2148m

184510Thomas Bernard Croat   889592003-05-19
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Along road between Guamote and Cuenca, 87 Km from Guamote, 10.8 Km N of Sagüine, 20.6 Km NNE of border with Cañar Province., 2148m

211868Thomas Bernard Croat   932052004-08-10
Ecuador, Carchi, Along road from El Chical to Tulcán, 49.8 km E of El Chical, 31.3 km W of Tufiño, 16.4 km E of El Laurel., 0.8636 -78.0742, 3450m

211861Thomas Bernard Croat   932122004-08-10
Ecuador, Carchi, Along road from El Chical to Tulcán, 55 km E of El Chical., 0.7939 -77.78, 3500m

211613Thomas Bernard Croat   93722A2004-08-21
Ecuador, Sucumbíos, Along road from Lumbaquí to La Bonita, 56.4 km from main Baeza-Lago Agrío Road, 13.2 S of Rosa Florida, 31.6 S of La Bonita., 0.3808 -77.5222, 1136m

210020Thomas Bernard Croat   923772004-07-27
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Zumba and La Balsa on Peruvian border (Amazonas State), 5.5 km N of La Balsa and Río Blanco Chanchis., -4.9514 -79.1186, 1009m

196197Thomas Bernard Croat   908112004-07-12
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Along road between Méndez and Paute, 35.3 km SE of Méndez., 1930m

Symplocos Jacq.
59347Jens Elgaard Madsen   862001989-09-26
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Parque Nacional Podocarpus. New rd. Loja - Zamora, E. of the pass. Montane forest, disturbed., -3.95 -79.1, 2500 - 3000m

221705Thomas Bernard Croat   963032006-03-23
Ecuador, Pichincha, Along road from Santo Domingo de los Colorados to Quito via Chiriboga and San Juan, departing main Santo Domingo-Quito Hwy at La Unión at Km 70 on main road, 66.6 km from main highway, 38.9 km SW of San Juan., -0.2942 -78.6775, 2977m

221704Thomas Bernard Croat   963042006-03-23
Ecuador, Pichincha, Along road from Santo Domingo de los Colorados to Quito via Chiriboga and San Juan, departing main Santo Domingo-Quito Hwy at La Unión at Km 70 on main road, 66.6 km from main highway, 38.9 km SW of San Juan., -0.2942 -78.6775, 2977m

183156Thomas Bernard Croat   876532003-04-17
Ecuador, Napo, Vicinity of Baeza; 2 Km E of Jct. of Baeza Road from main Papallacta-Lago Agrío Road., -0.45 -77.85, 1700m

183627Thomas Bernard Croat   882402003-04-29
Ecuador, Imbabura, Along road from Apuela to Plaza Gutierrez, 1.7 Km E of Apuela., 0.3511 -78.5078, 2414m

221662Thomas Bernard Croat   957972006-03-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, Maquipucuna Reserve, vicinity of Nanegal 6.7 km NE of Nanegalito-Nanegal Road (departing 3 km S of Nanegal), 19 km N of Nanegalito, along Sendero del Río., 0.1161 -78.6347, 1200 - 1387m

220249Thomas Bernard Croat   965152006-03-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, Along road from Tandayapa to Mindo, 7.2 m S of Tandayapa. Bellavista Cloud Forest., -0.0067 -78.6739, 1790m

191597Brian Morley Boom   13001982-05-02
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San José, km 321 along railroad from Ibarra to San Lorenzo. Tropical moist forest., 350m

224781Thomas Bernard Croat   984962007-09-13
Ecuador, Azuay, Along road between Gualaceo and Gualaguiza, 5.6 km S of Plaza in Sigsig, 42.7 km NW of Chigüinda., -3.0981 -78.8003, 1825m

209976Thomas Bernard Croat   923152004-07-26
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Loja and Zumba, 99.0 km S of Vilcabamba, 8 km N of Bellavista, 19 km N of progresso, 125.5 km N of Isimanchi., -4.7278 -79.1219, 1213m

209174Thomas Bernard Croat   926212004-07-29
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Along road from Vilcabamba and Valladoloid, 36.7 km S of Vilcabamba, 15.2 S of Yangana., -4.3 -79.233333, 2450m

Renealmia thyrsoidea Poepp. & Endl.
139977Aída Álvarez   20491997-04-27
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Comunidad de Pacto Sumaco. Sector Suroriental. Bosque maduro. Bosque pluvial Pre-Montano. Pendiente < 30%., -0.6489 -77.5969, 1550 - 1600m

135321Manuel Mantuano   561999-12-11
Ecuador, Manabí, Manta, San Lorenzo de Manta. Bosque seco tropical con influencia de garua. Colecciones al margen de la carretera Manta-San Lorenzo., -1.05 -80.8833, 18m

209218Thomas Bernard Croat   926322004-07-29
Ecuador, Loja, Loja, Along road from Vilcabamba and Valladoloid, 36.7 km S of Vilcabamba, 15.2 S of Yangana., -4.3 -79.233333, 2450m

209157Thomas Bernard Croat   927182004-07-29
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Along road from Loja to Machala, along road from Jct. of Hwy. 92 west of San Pedro de Bemlez to Pinas via Zambi, Guayquichuma, El Rosiarío and Portovelo., -3.960833 -79.4775, 2317m

Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze
210778Thomas Bernard Croat   938852004-08-23
Ecuador, Imbabura, Along road from Tulcán to Ibarra, vicinity of Juncal, 6.5 km S of Juncal, 9.4 km N of Ambuguí., 0.4372 -77.9797, 1689m

175221Thomas Bernard Croat   861992002-08-06
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Parque Nacional Sangay. Along road from ríobamba to Macas, between Cebadas and Zuñac, between Atillo and current end of road (ca. 20 Km beyond summit and limit with Chimborazo Prov.), 18.4 Km beyond the guard station near the summit in Parque Nacional Sangay., -2.2081 -78.3692, 2513m

175211Thomas Bernard Croat   862092002-08-06
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Parque Nacional Sangay. Along road from ríobamba to Macas, between Cebadas and Zuñac, between Atillo and current end of road (ca. 20 Km beyond summit and limit with Chimborazo Prov.), 18.4 Km beyond the guard station near the summit in Parque Nacional Sangay., -2.2081 -78.3692, 2513m

221733Thomas Bernard Croat   963192006-03-23
Ecuador, Pichincha, Along road from Santo Domingo de los Colorados to Quito via Chiriboga and San Juan, departing main Santo Domingo-Quito Hwy at La Unión at Km 70 on main road, 66.6 km from main highway, 38.9 km SW of San Juan., -0.2942 -78.6775, 2977m

Heterocondylus vitalbae R.M. King & H. Rob.
221789Thomas Bernard Croat   956992006-03-11
Ecuador, Pichincha, Maquipucuna Reserve, vicinity of Nanegal 6.7 km NE of Nanegalito-Nanegal Road (turnoff ca. 3 km S of Nanegal), 19 km N of Nanegalito, along main trail to the summit., 0.12 -78.6322, 1331 - 1431m

Liliaceae Juss.
213221Inés Padilla   20361991-02-16
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Parque La Alameda, Quito. Bosque húmedo Montano. Suelo cultivado. Proyecto Arboles de Parques y Avenidas de Quito. Escuela de Biologia, Univ. Central del Ecuador., -0.25 -78.5, 2812m

191538Thomas Bernard Croat   899352003-05-31
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Zamora and Loja, 0.1 Km E of border of Loja Province, along summit of Continental Divide; thick heath forest with dense fog cover., -3.9853 -79.1425, 2590m

Heterocondylus vitalbae R.M. King & H. Rob.
211668Thomas Bernard Croat   932902004-08-10
Ecuador, Carchi, Along road between El Chical and Tulcán, 58.9 km E of El Chical, 28.2 km W of Tufiño., 0.8955555 -78.0083333, 3500m

135301Manuel Mantuano   361999-12-11
Ecuador, Manabí, Manta, San Lorenzo de Manta. Bosque seco tropical con influencia de garua, colecciones al margen de la carretera Manta-San Lorenzo., -1.05 -80.8833, 18m

187057Thomas Bernard Croat   891632003-05-22
Ecuador, Azuay, Along road from Gualaceo to Limón, 17.0 Km from E of Gualaceo, 10.9 Km W of border with Morona-Santiago Province, 86.6 Km W of jct. to Indanza., -2.9572 -78.7056, 2895m

Heterocondylus vitalbae R.M. King & H. Rob.
68107Thomas Bernard Croat   736701992-04-07
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Pujilí, Along road between El Corazón and Angamarca, along side road to Yasaucho, 0.3-0.4 km off of main road, 3.1 km above main square in El Corazón., 1780m

Heterocondylus vitalbae R.M. King & H. Rob.
210937Thomas Bernard Croat   939932004-09-02
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Maguipucuna, vicinity of Nanegal, departing road from Nanegalito to Nanegal, 12.1 km W of Nanegalito, then 6.9 km NW, on road via Recinto Marienetta, 4.4 km N of Recinto Marienetta, along trails N of main lodge., 0.1133 -78.6386, 1446m

219598Thomas Bernard Croat   967472006-04-07
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Cordillera del Condor. Vicinity of Ecua-Corrientes copper mine development, valley of Río Waiwaime, 8.1 km S of mine headquarters on road to mine site., -3.5975 -78.4325, 1291m

184912Thomas Bernard Croat   890812003-05-20
Ecuador, Azuay, Along road from Paute to Mendez (Santiago de Mendez), 84.3 Km E of Paute, 5.5 Km NE of Ama Luza, vic. of junction of Río Mangan and Río Negro with Río Paute., 1524m

176460Thomas Bernard Croat   863252002-08-10
Ecuador, Azuay, Along road between Gualaceo and Limón, (Gen. Plaza Guttiérrez), 9.6 Km east of bridge at south end of Gualaceo; disturbed area and pasture edges along road., -2.9278 -78.7258, 2774m

221707Thomas Bernard Croat   963012006-03-23
Ecuador, Pichincha, Along road from Santo Domingo de los Colorados to Quito via Chiriboga and San Juan, departing main Santo Domingo-Quito Hwy at La Unión at Km 70 on main road, 66.6 km from main highway, 38.9 km SW of San Juan., -0.2942 -78.6775, 2977m

191327Thomas Bernard Croat   895062003-05-27
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Zumbi (on Río Zamora, 7.7 Km S of Yanzaza), and Cordillera del Cóndor, 6.8 Km E of Paquisha at Río Nangaritza., -3.905 -78.5833, 792m

209857Thomas Bernard Croat   924522004-07-28
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Zumba and Vilcabamba, 16.7 km N of Zumba, 8.9 km S of Bellavista, 32.9 km S of Palanda, 51 km S of Valladoloid., -4.7914 -79.1172, 733m

197661Thomas Bernard Croat   914632004-07-19
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Namirez on Río Zamora to Nambija, 7.9 km E of San Carlos., -4.0617 -78.7975, 1733m

Amaranthus gracilis Desf. ex Poir.
135315Manuel Mantuano   501999-12-11
Ecuador, Manabí, Manta, San Lorenzo de Manta. Bosque seco tropical con influencia de garua. Colecciones al margen de la carretera Manta-San Lorenzo., -1.05 -80.8833, 18m

197623Thomas Bernard Croat   913182004-07-17
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from near Paquisha, south to Las Orchídeas, and end of road at Río Nangaritza, via Guayzimi, beginning at 15.9 km E of Zumbi and Río Zamora, then 47.0 km S of Intersection near Paquisha, 2.6 km N of Las Orchídeas., -4.2133 -78.6447, 875m

Mikania Willd.
225437Thomas Bernard Croat   988852007-09-20
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from Tandaime to Condo Mirador, 18.4 km beyond the turnoff near the military check point near Tundaime., -3.6367 -78.4303, 1570m

213207Thomas Bernard Croat   946672005-02-16
Ecuador, Carchi, Along road between Tulcán and Maldonado 3.7 km W of Tufiño., 0.7955 -77.8756, 3458m

Mikania Willd.
161992Thomas Bernard Croat   841242000-07-17
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Along road between Lita and San Lorenzo, along side road west to Río San José and Río Tulubí, departing main road 33.4 Km S of Gasolinera San Lorenzo; 0.7 Km W of main highway west of Río San José, E of Río Tulubí., 1.0836 -78.6458, 79m

Mikania Willd.
176478Thomas Bernard Croat   865362002-08-13
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Along road between Macas and ríobamba, between Proaño and Parque Nacional Sangay, 28.6 Km west of Proaño., -2.2419 -78.2778, 1659m

Mikania Willd.
176477Thomas Bernard Croat   865372002-08-13
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Along road between Macas and ríobamba, between Proaño and Parque Nacional Sangay, 28.6 Km west of Proaño., -2.2419 -78.2778, 1659m

Mikania Willd.
198207Thomas Bernard Croat   91230A2004-07-16
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from near Paquisha south to Las Orchídeas and end of road on Río Nangaritza via Guayzimi, beginning 15.9 km E of Zumbi and Río Zamora, then 49.6 km S at Las Orchídeas, in vicinity of Las Orchídeas., -4.2289 -78.6583, 877m

209937Thomas Bernard Croat   929022004-08-06
Ecuador, Carchi, Along road from Tulcan to Madanado, 22 km W of S edge of Tulcan on road to Tufiño., 0.7381 -77.8833, 3500m

Mikania Willd.
197450Thomas Bernard Croat   917342004-07-21
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from Zamora to Romerillos along Río Jambué, 13.3 km E of Río Bombuscaro Bridge in Zamora, 0.3 km E of Pituca., -4.1342 -78.9436, 1068m

Mikania Willd.
197551Thomas Bernard Croat   916732004-07-20
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Zamora-Romerillos Alto; 20.4 km E of Río Bombuscaro Bridge in Zamora., -4.1772 -78.9342, 1252m

Sanicula liberta Cham. & Schltdl.
135217Manuel Mantuano   201999-10-26
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Reserva Orquideológica El Pahuma. Carretera Calacalí-Los Bancos, Km 22. Bosque muy húmedo montano bajo., 0.0283 -78.6305, 2000m

210988Thomas Bernard Croat   928062004-07-31
Ecuador, El Oro, Balsas, Along road from Balsas and Piñas, departing ca. 24 km NW of Balsas on main Balsas-Machala Hwy, 7.3 km NW of jct. at main highway, 9.8 km W of Piñas., -3.662778 -79.753611, 802m

209332Thomas Bernard Croat   928092004-07-31
Ecuador, El Oro, Balsas, Along road from Balsas and Piñas, departing ca. 24 km NW of Balsas on main Balsas-Machala Hwy, 7.3 km NW of jct. at main highway, 9.8 km W of Piñas., -3.6628 -79.7536, 802m

Mikania Willd.
198107Thomas Bernard Croat   920102004-07-23
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from Namirez to Nambija, along mining road, 10.0 km S of Namirez and Río Zamora, vicinity of Nambija, along road to mine headquarters ca. 5 km long, just south of Nambija., -4.0622 -78.7914, 1779m

Melanthera nivea (L.) Small
70951Thomas Bernard Croat   729731992-03-13
Ecuador, Pichincha, Santo Domingo de Los Colorados, Along road between main Santo Domingo-Esmeraldas Highwy and Valle Hermoso, 25 km NW of Santo Domingo, 1.9 km N of highway, in vicinity of the bridge over the Río Blanco just S of Valle Hermosa; along steep banks of Río Blanco and in adjacent disturbed areas above river banks., -0.08333 -79.25, 410m

Munnozia hastifolia H. Rob. & Brettell
177096Thomas Bernard Croat   867632002-08-21
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Along road between Macas and Sucua, 8.1 Km south of Río Umbaino; disturbed area along pasture., -2.3858 -78.1669, 948m

Mikania Willd.
197320Thomas Bernard Croat   913672004-07-17
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from near Paquisha, south to Las Orchídeas, and end of road on Río Nangaritza, via Guayzimi, beginning at 15.9 km E of Zumbi and Río Zamora, then 38.5 km S, 11.1 km N of Las Orchídeas., -4.2133 -78.6447, 878m

Mikania Willd.
197237Thomas Bernard Croat   911202004-07-15
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Los Encuentros and El Sarsa, 13.7 km S of bridge over Río Zamora at Los Encuentros., -3.8111 -78.6078, 1455m

Mikania Willd.
211383Thomas Bernard Croat   931022004-08-09
Ecuador, Carchi, Along unfinished road from El Chical to El Carmen, departing main El Chical-Peñas Blancas Road, 0.6 km W of bridge over Río Chical, 4.9 km S of jct. with main road., 0.98361 -78.19361, 1350m

Mikania Willd.
210021Thomas Bernard Croat   923762004-07-27
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Zumba and La Balsa on Peruvian border (Amazonas State), 5.5 km N of La Balsa and Río Blanco Chanchis., -4.9514 -79.1186, 1009m

Mikania Willd.
210011Thomas Bernard Croat   923872004-07-27
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Zumba and La Balsa on Peruvian border (Amazonas State), 5.5 km N of La Balsa and Río Blanco Chanchis., -4.9514 -79.1186, 1009m

Sanchezia longiflora Hook. f. ex Planch.
105238José Manuel Manzanares   52250000-00-00
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Chontapunta., -0.58333 -77.33333, 250m

Mikania Willd.
222084Thomas Bernard Croat   983532007-09-06
Ecuador, Pichincha, Along road between Tandayapa and Mindo on old road past Bellavista Cloud Forest Reserve 1.7 km S of Bellavista, 0.5 km S of turnoff to Bellavista Scientific Station., -0.0239 -78.6867, 2379m

Mikania Willd.
224894Thomas Bernard Croat   985842007-09-14
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Los Encuentros and El Sarsa, 10.7 km E from Los Encuentros, beyond bridge over Río Zamora., -3.7778 -78.6411, 1066m

Mikania Willd.
196409Thomas Bernard Croat   909872004-07-14
Ecuador, Morona Santiago, Along road into Cordillera del Condor departing from Chuchumbleza, then 6.8 km S of Chuchumbleza to Quime ferry on Río Zamora, then SW via Numbaime into Cordillera del Condor, 24 km SW of Río Zamora., 1562m

Mikania Willd.
197101Thomas Bernard Croat   904472004-07-07
Ecuador, Pastaza, Along road from Mera to Río Anzu and beyond, 3.6 km N of Río Anzu., -1.483333 -78.1, 2016m

Mikania Willd.
198019Thomas Bernard Croat   910522004-07-14
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from Quime Ferry Crossing into Cordillera del Condor, 22 km above Río Zamora, in a southward direction, along creek at old military camouflage shed., -3.6294 -78.4381, 1489m

Mikania Willd.
206771Thomas Bernard Croat   915212004-07-19
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road from Namirez on Río Zamora and Nambija, 17.9 km E of Río Zamora., -4.0658 -78.7933, 1790m

69746Thomas Bernard Croat   728931992-03-11
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Along road between Nanegalito and Tandayapa, 3.5 km S of Tandayapa., 0.03333 -78.35, 1635m

69180Thomas Bernard Croat   732741992-03-20
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, La Maná, Along road between Guayacán (13.1 km NE of Lamana) and Montenuevo (N of Pucayacu), 1 km N of Pucayacu., -0.7 -79.1, 750m

123159Thomas Bernard Croat   735431992-04-04
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Between Shell and Mera, 5.3 km NW of Center of Shell, along gravel road 1.1 km N of highway; disturbed virgin forest at end of a board covered path 25 m E of road., 1180m

69821Thomas Bernard Croat   727271992-03-04
Ecuador, Zamora Chinchipe, Along road between Zamora and Gualaquiza, 70.9 km N of bridge over Río Zamora in Zamora, between Los Encuentros and El Pangui., -3.7 -78.6, 935m

105232José Manuel Manzanares   52320000-00-00
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Chontapunta., -0.58333 -77.33333, 250m

211797Thomas Bernard Croat   934012004-08-16
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Along road from Guayacan to Pucayacú, Departing main Quevedo-Latacunga Hwy. (23.2 km W of Cotopaxi-Los Ríos border 0.8 km N of Guayacan, 8.4 km S of Guasaganda., -0.8689 -79.1592, 580m

221735Thomas Bernard Croat   963172006-03-23
Ecuador, Pichincha, Along road from Santo Domingo de los Colorados to Quito via Chiriboga and San Juan, departing main Santo Domingo-Quito Hwy at La Unión at Km 70 on main road, 66.6 km from main highway, 38.9 km SW of San Juan., -0.2942 -78.6775, 2977m

209929Thomas Bernard Croat   929122004-08-06
Ecuador, Carchi, Along road from Tulcan to Madanado, 22 km W of S edge of Tulcan on road to Tufiño., 0.7381 -77.8833, 3500m

70725Thomas Bernard Croat   729311992-03-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, Mejía, Along road between Aloag and Santo Domingo, 30.6 km W of junction of Aloag-Santo Domingo Road with the main Quito-Latacunga Road., -0.41666 -78.36666, 2370m

Page 1571, records 157001-157100 of 206679

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